There are many new releases coming up, in all genres. I personally am looking forward to Call Of Duty: Black Ops and Fallout: New Vegas! What are you most looking forward to?!
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There are many new releases coming up, in all genres. I personally am looking forward to Call Of Duty: Black Ops and Fallout: New Vegas! What are you most looking forward to?!
From the near future only Fallout New Vegas. Other than that I'm eagerly waiting for the new Red Faction and I'm dying of anticipation for MGS Rising.
This year I would have to say Dead rising 2, Medal of Honor, Fallout New Vegas, Fable 3, Call of Duty Black Ops and Assassin's creed Brotherhood. Those are the games im getting for sure. There is still a couple more games I have to look a little more into.
I can't wait for assassins creed brotherhood, preordered the codex edition of that, in saying that though i'm also looking forward to Fable 3 (pre-ordered) and Black Ops, although i won't be playing black ops when ac comes out :D
I might give Black Ops a try. Other than Gran Turismo 5 and already having Reach, I'm pretty much set for the rest of the year. As for next year, I cant wait for Gears of War 3.
Fallout: New Vegas.
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.
I know this asks games, but I'd like to include the Borderlands DLC Claptrap's New Robot Revolution that comes out on the 28th ;3.
this year for xbox 360 dead rising 2 fable 3 fallout vegas nba2k11 nba elite assassin creed brotherhood cod black ops 2011 crisis2 gears 3 mgs rising saints row3 ghost reacon future soldier dues ex human evolution max payne3 la noire mass effect 3 i hope episode3 half life and alan wake2 CTR360maybe u should go outside and take a walk.
Dead Rising 2
Fallout Vegas
Gears 3
Fable 3
Test Drive Unlimited 2
Force Unleashed 2
Dead Space 2
Bioshock Infinite (very far off)
medal of honor
fallout new vegas
dj hero 2
star wars the force unleashed 2
fable 3
smackdown 2011
rock band 3
call of duty black ops
There are so much games that i want. But as I've said before: Fallout New Vegas is my first priority, and will keep me busy for months to come :D
Fallout new vegas..fable III...GoW3...Mortal Kombat..Assassins Creed Brotherhood...ehh...i had more but i forgot them..
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