I am using a wired 360 controller, I downloaded and installed the software, I plugged in the 360 controller, calibrated it and tested it according to thee computer all the buttons are functioning properly and as they should.
Ok so why can't you use this controller to do anything?
Having the PC read the 360 does not allow you to move characteres in a game or do anything else with it
I HAVE YET TO GET ONE REACTION from any button, trigger, bumper or thumbstick when I try to use it.
Until someone decides they would like to explain step by step the PRECICE WAY from start to finsh what exactly it is that they did in order to move a character in a game using the d-pad and or the thumbsticks. then anyone who says they got this to work is full of crap.
Also don't tell me to go download joytokey eithert because I already tried that route.
There are no instructions with that program, and it is not common sense and it is not simple.
When I launched joytokey, have no idea what I am looking at, what to do, or how i would use this program to allow me to get my 360 controller to move a charcter in game.
Also I am assuming that joytokey cretaes some form of file that makes it work...ok tehre are a few problems with this now.
1) If a file is created where is it
2) Where does the file get placed so it works in conjunction with the game...does it get put into the same folderr as the game...sorry but this joytokey program is crap due to no instructions or any explaination as to how it works or anything.
So as of right now until i get some very detatiled crucial need to know instructions then as far as i am concerned YOU CANNNOT USE A 360 CONTROLLER ON THE PC BECAUSE THE CONTORLLER DOESN"T DO ANYTHING WHEN YOU PRESS ANY BUTTON, MOVE EITHER THUMBSTICK OR CLICK IT DOWN, trying both triggrers and bumpers. So does someone want to explain or I guess my money got wasted
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