Some people think GOW is the Halo killer.For me that is the case.I would far rather play it than Halo 3 but that's just me.Other say COD4 was a Halo killer because of its multiplayer.Not for me however because I do not like multiplayer that much.So it dose not effect my decision that much when I decide if one game is better than another.Bioshock was a FPS killer for me.It is the best FPS experience I have had.That's just where different tastes come in.
Now Even if those games did not kill (Out do Halo for the FPS on 360) on there own.I think Halo 3s lack luster outcome and baby step from Halo 2 to 3 may have killed its self.I've already sold all my Halo games but I still have GOW and Bioshock.My excitement for those games to have a sequel far out-way my need for another rehashing of the halo franchise.There for I believe it has died on its own.With other games offering new adventures and game play Halo has just grown old.
So long master Chief...We hardly knew ye.:cry:
Added to post after reading some replies.
I gave Halo 3 an 8.0,Halo 2 a 9.0 and Halo an 8.5.By no means bad ratings it IS a good series.I'm not saying it's bad.
My idea behind this post is a yes or no question.Was Halo 3 the Halo killer.My thought being that it's hard to make three games and keep it fresh.It's hard to improve on something so well made.There for will making a series with any game always cause that series to simply grow old in the short attention span world we live in?
To this question my answer was yes and I said why.Just my opinion not the word of GOD.
Now you can answer yes or no and tell me what you think.It's just a discussion not an argument.
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