Alright so awhile back ago my family was in town and we were playin rockband. The drums were working fine. We step out of the room for dinner but my baby cousin stays in there and starts hitting the drums even after numerous times of me telling him not to touch the drums. After some reconsideration I figured there's nothing bad he can do to them because after all, they're made to be hit. Well later that night we tried playing rockband again..... The foot pedal wouldn't work. It wasn't cracked, it just wasn't registering any of the hits. I figured the pedal broke some how so I borrowed my cousins. It won't register either... My warranty expired the day before.... FML lol So any ideas what this is all about? Any way to fix it myself? I don't want to pay 80 for a new drumset
Yeah it was the RB2 kit. But that sucks. I wonder if it's just a loose connection that could be soldered back together. Do you know of any tutorials on the internet to fix it at home?
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