Class 1: P90 with silencer, magnum with knife, Marathon pro, Lightweight pro, Commando pro, marthdom(not sure if spelled rite), Frag, stun
i prefer a USP or M9 for the tac knife, they're clip is bigger so you dont have to worry as much about missing if you have to shoot someone, and its Martyrdom
****2: RPD with grip and heartbeat sensor, Stinger, Bling Pro, Cold blooded pro, Sit rep, mathydom, semtax, flash
Im assuming this is an AA ****so why have a heartbeat sensor?
****3: WA2000 with FMJ, Spas-12 with FMJ, Scavenger Pro, Cold blooded pro, Ninja Pro, Painkiller, Claymore, stun
akimbo Rafficas > Spas. 1-2 burst kills and incredibly accurate
****4: Scar-H with heartbeat snesor, AA-12 with grip, Scavenger pro, Stopping power pro, Steady Aim, final stand,Semtax, flash
a Scar doesn't really need stopping power IMO, its still like a 3 shot burst kill w/o it.
****5: Tar-21 with red dot and heartbeat sensor, Ranger with akimbo and FMJ, Bling Pro, Hardline Pro, Last stand Pro,final stand,Semtax, flash
this almost seems like a repeat of ****4 bcuz the weapons are the same category(AR w/ hearbeat and Shotgun)
****6: ACR with red dot sight, One man armt pro, Stopping power pro, last stand pro, final stand, frag, stun
One Man Army and Last Stand are almost counter-productive on the same **** if you have a pistol as your secondary weapon(machine or hangun), you'll use it in last stand. I would use akimbo rafficas, g18s, M9s, or USPs. I usually end up killing whoever put me in last stand because i have just as much firepower as they do.
im on my 2nd prestiget barley lvl. 50 i think what do u think and im curious to see what yours are?
the *s are the word that appear after the word custom and before the number, idk why i cant say it
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