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i want more freedom kngkng21
detail exactly what you want and define as more freedom. i'd like to hear some ideas.
personally all i wan is for them to really take advantage of the 360's power. make a believable breathing living city where you fear consequences because of their realism and feel like people are really watching and reacting accordingly to what you're doin. i'd also like (know it's too much to ask) to actually have a real life in game. i'll explain myself, like being able to apply to jobs, having a house, going to the store to pick some things up, raise a family, have kids and being able to do whatever you want in each. wether that involved doing illegal activities at work, stealing, etc etc. i think that's all for now.
Just a small server of max of 10 people, too much people might make it boring
The GTA 3 guy
to be rated AO, and be RELEASED
I want it to be like NY.
Eve if you get a six star crime, I want there to be millions of people in the city who won't find out untill the news later. Essentially, I don't want the player to achieve a God power because in a city like NY, you can't.
Oh also, I want to mess around in times square just for the fun of it :P
oh another thing..
i'd like to see big events happening in it. like new year's eve where there were different activities and events going on in the city and you chose which one to go to. once again, a breathing living realistic city. somewhere you could just go for a drive and look around and do whatever you want while the world keeps on moving and living on their own.
i want people that walk around with a purpose. It's strange how people just walk around for no reason... u can follow a car around for hours and it wont go anywhere in particular, i want that changed. If someone hits my car, i want to be able to follow him home and then get revenge. lol. I also want people that park and leave their cars.a55a55inx
haha yeah. man we should gather up all of these ideas and send them for the next gta. i know games like nba live actually have a period where they listen to the fans of the game and take in suggestions.
[QUOTE="kngkng21"]i want more freedom thecobraholder
detail exactly what you want and define as more freedom. i'd like to hear some ideas.
personally all i wan is for them to really take advantage of the 360's power. make a believable breathing living city where you fear consequences because of their realism and feel like people are really watching and reacting accordingly to what you're doin. i'd also like (know it's too much to ask) to actually have a real life in game. i'll explain myself, like being able to apply to jobs, having a house, going to the store to pick some things up, raise a family, have kids and being able to do whatever you want in each. wether that involved doing illegal activities at work, stealing, etc etc. i think that's all for now.
most of that stuff was in fable... but it would be cool to be implemented in a modern world.
[QUOTE="a55a55inx"]i want people that walk around with a purpose. It's strange how people just walk around for no reason... u can follow a car around for hours and it wont go anywhere in particular, i want that changed. If someone hits my car, i want to be able to follow him home and then get revenge. lol. I also want people that park and leave their cars.thecobraholder
haha yeah. man we should gather up all of these ideas and send them for the next gta. i know games like nba live actually have a period where they listen to the fans of the game and take in suggestions.
lol... if we all did that, then the game would never be done. lol.
[QUOTE="kngkng21"]i want more freedom thecobraholder
detail exactly what you want and define as more freedom. i'd like to hear some ideas.
personally all i wan is for them to really take advantage of the 360's power. make a believable breathing living city where you fear consequences because of their realism and feel like people are really watching and reacting accordingly to what you're doin. i'd also like (know it's too much to ask) to actually have a real life in game. i'll explain myself, like being able to apply to jobs, having a house, going to the store to pick some things up, raise a family, have kids and being able to do whatever you want in each. wether that involved doing illegal activities at work, stealing, etc etc. i think that's all for now.
You could just play the sims ya' know. The GTA franchise is all about runnning around the city producing mass carnage, killing civilians blowing stuff up etc... All the stuff you mentioned is capable of being done in real life so why would you want to do it in the game. That why I thought the sims is so dumb.
me: hey man, what ya doin?
roommate: playin the sims, my sim just got off of work and now he's got to take a shower because he is goin bowlin, then to a party.
me: um, ok, why don't you just get off your ass and do that in real life? would I really want to do that?
detail exactly what you want and define as more freedom. i'd like to hear some ideas.
personally all i wan is for them to really take advantage of the 360's power. make a believable breathing living city where you fear consequences because of their realism and feel like people are really watching and reacting accordingly to what you're doin. i'd also like (know it's too much to ask) to actually have a real life in game. i'll explain myself, like being able to apply to jobs, having a house, going to the store to pick some things up, raise a family, have kids and being able to do whatever you want in each. wether that involved doing illegal activities at work, stealing, etc etc. i think that's all for now.
so you kinda want aspects of the 'sims' games to be in there.
every one wants freedom from gta, IMO i want to Interference in others life..example i want to see if i follow someone he'll do somthing like going to his work,a bar or a whore house, i like more thefts,even from people's house,more street fighting,more ways to Disembarrass from policesfor example by facing off,more sexual contents and more regular jobs to do, more Diversify between bikes,and many many of unexpected events like car crashes,explosions,aeroplane fallings,,plus them the pets and other animal.
i would really like to see events like extreme sports and concerts etc.and like when its new year there is fireworks.and i want all things in gta sanandreas to be back here
I think TC is talking about from start you could go to all area instate of unlocking it by progress. thats my opinion too
enter all buildings...first person view in cars while driving..manual shift..all about cars mods etc...realistic saund physics like a forza 2... more mini games,mini game texas holdem something like wosp 08..tuournament in pool and poker maybe darts...more powerful real sound weapons...robbery banks houses..etc
[QUOTE="kngkng21"]i want more freedom thecobraholder
detail exactly what you want and define as more freedom. i'd like to hear some ideas.
personally all i wan is for them to really take advantage of the 360's power. make a believable breathing living city where you fear consequences because of their realism and feel like people are really watching and reacting accordingly to what you're doin. i'd also like (know it's too much to ask) to actually have a real life in game. i'll explain myself, like being able to apply to jobs, having a house, going to the store to pick some things up, raise a family, have kids and being able to do whatever you want in each. wether that involved doing illegal activities at work, stealing, etc etc. i think that's all for now.
i like all the ideas in here except the have kids part...kinda strange since its gta
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