[QUOTE="EnigmaticBeauty"] Single player achievements are much more fun because you actually have to earn them. Most people in multi player cheat to get the achievements and besides... for some unknown reason, you can only unlock them in a ranked match...and you'll find the worst players in a ranked match.
i think you mean SOME ppl cheat to get achievements and i don't know about finding the worst players in a ranked match since the best players in the world play ranked matches. don't tell me there could be better players who don't play ranked cuz if you are that good you could win tournaments for money so you would play XBL.
but ppl have found out ways how to cheat to get single player achievements too. they do it the same way as those ppl do the seriously glitch.
i have to vote for XBL achievements because i feel like most the ppl on XBL are harder to defeat than the AI in most games.
it's sad that some ppl cheat just to get achievement points. i don't understand it...i have too much pride and self-constraint to cheat.
...I've found that most people cheat to get the achievements online, but that's from my experience. And about the ranked games, and finding some of the worst players on live, I wasn't talking about skill. I was talking about attitude... a lot of people on ranked games have this whole... "I'm better than thou thing" who will not hesitate to
A: Throw insults back and forth every time they kill you or are killed themselves... being insulted doesn't really bother me...but for God Sakes, use some style rather than the boring old same old same old insults...
B: Leave you negative feedback and call you "unsporting" for winning, or "quitting early" when your 360 crashes...
C: You go on ranked games, kill the host a few times and BANG... the host just quits on you (and no...his 360 doesn't crash, because he makes a point of saying... "F**k it and F**k you too", forcing you to lose everything you've done... it wouldn't be so bad if it was a Shadowrun kinda deal where it just switches to a new host.
The 360 should have a feature on it, where if a player who hosts ranked games quits a number of times, the system should stop him from hosting. Animal Crossing on the N64, Gamecube...DS could tell if you resetted our system, so why can't the 360?
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