1. You can quickly switch between weapons and other items with the D-pad.
2. You can kill the chainsaw and axe guys. They just take a lot to bring down. As a matter of fact, you have to kill the chainsaw guy if you want to proceed.
I really enjoyed the demo. The co-op is silky smooth, the inventory system has been simplified, you don't need to pause the game to switch weapons, the partner AI doesn't seem to get in the way, the game feels more difficult (definitely a good thing) and the white knuckle action from RE4 is back and even better in my opinion.
As for dumbing down the gore, I didn't notice it until I read about it in this thread. I agree that it has been lessened slightly, but I definitely wouldn't say it bothers me.
The graphics are also incredible. I felt like I was playing on a high-performance PC.
Edit: And the controls are what you'd expect from translating RE4 from the GCN controller to the 360's. Outdated? Maybe, but they work well and I couldn't think of anything better for this type of game.
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