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Currently Spec Ops: The Line. Gameplay is meh but the story is quite different from most shooters, which makes it interesting.
Starting tomorrow though it'll be Bioshock Infinite.
Can you elaborate on the story aspect a bit? I love story-centric shooter ala Bioshock or Metro 2033, but am unable to find anything new that closely resembles those games. Is it an engaging, unique story?
Currently Spec Ops: The Line. Gameplay is meh but the story is quite different from most shooters, which makes it interesting.
Starting tomorrow though it'll be Bioshock Infinite.
Can you elaborate on the story aspect a bit? I love story-centric shooter ala Bioshock or Metro 2033, but am unable to find anything new that closely resembles those games. Is it an engaging, unique story?
I suppose I should clarify a bit first. It's a third-person shooter, like Gears of War or Uncharted, but more rough around the edges. But then again I didn't buy the game for that reason anyway.
It's a modern military shooter, but the story is way different than your average COD/Battlefield game. In fact, I'd say Spec Ops: The Line is more of the polar opposite of those games. Whereas COD/Battlefield are kind of the "America, f*** yeah!" type games where war is glorified, Spec Ops is actually quite critical of war and goes to great lengths to show how it doesn't benefit anyone. As you play through it, you end up doing a lot of stuff your character (Walker) didn't originally intend to do - actions can have unintended consequences, a point the game makes repeatedly. I would go into more depth on this but I wouldn't want to spoil anything if you do decide to play it.
As I said before, gameplay-wise, it's basically your average third-person shooter where you advance through levels fighting off waves of enemies. You might even be bored by some of the game itself, as it does have a lot of the conventional shooter elements (like turret sequences, or defend this point for so long, etc). The story is really unique though, and I'd recommend giving the game a shot just for that. Having played Bioshock and Metro 2033 myself I wouldn't put it on the same level as those games in terms of overall quality, but I still believe it's worth a playthrough.
Currently Spec Ops: The Line. Gameplay is meh but the story is quite different from most shooters, which makes it interesting.
Starting tomorrow though it'll be Bioshock Infinite.
Can you elaborate on the story aspect a bit? I love story-centric shooter ala Bioshock or Metro 2033, but am unable to find anything new that closely resembles those games. Is it an engaging, unique story?
I suppose I should clarify a bit first. It's a third-person shooter, like Gears of War or Uncharted, but more rough around the edges. But then again I didn't buy the game for that reason anyway.
It's a modern military shooter, but the story is way different than your average COD/Battlefield game. In fact, I'd say Spec Ops: The Line is more of the polar opposite of those games. Whereas COD/Battlefield are kind of the "America, f*** yeah!" type games where war is glorified, Spec Ops is actually quite critical of war and goes to great lengths to show how it doesn't benefit anyone. As you play through it, you end up doing a lot of stuff your character (Walker) didn't originally intend to do - actions can have unintended consequences, a point the game makes repeatedly. I would go into more depth on this but I wouldn't want to spoil anything if you do decide to play it.
As I said before, gameplay-wise, it's basically your average third-person shooter where you advance through levels fighting off waves of enemies. You might even be bored by some of the game itself, as it does have a lot of the conventional shooter elements (like turret sequences, or defend this point for so long, etc). The story is really unique though, and I'd recommend giving the game a shot just for that. Having played Bioshock and Metro 2033 myself I wouldn't put it on the same level as those games in terms of overall quality, but I still believe it's worth a playthrough.
Wow! Thanks for teh expansive intro friend. I would definitely give it a shot, simply from what you just told me about it. I would most likely enjoy it as much as you do.
NHL 13
Tomb Raider (2013)
Ghost Recon 1/2/3
L4D 1/2
But moslty Tomb Raider, can't put that game down for some reason.
Of all the jobs I've ever had being Mayor is the first, it ain't all kissing hands and shaking babies...
I'm having a blast with Dead Space 3, I just finished the SP and now I'm about to give the co-op a spin. I got some vacation time coming up...hopefully I can get back into Skyrim.
I've been trying to get back into Skyrim but I'm finding it extremely difficult. My save with almost 200 hours on it disappeared a while back and now I have to replay all of that content again to get back up to level 50. At 25 right now, don't know if I'll actually continue with it. Oh well.
Trying to finish up Gears of War Judgment and Tomb Raider, both exceptional games in their own rights. Tomb Raider is a strong 9 while Gears sits around 8.5.
Playing through Gears of War Judgment on Insane (So far the hardest of the Gears campaigns on Insane) before I return it.
Got DBZ Budokai HD collection today from Gamefly. Soon as I get 1000/1000gs I'll send it back and hopefully get either the new Army of Two, Dead Space 3 or DmC.
I am still playing blk ops 2 and recently started up red dead redemption again... man that game is fun.
I'm having a blast with Dead Space 3, I just finished the SP and now I'm about to give the co-op a spin. I got some vacation time coming up...hopefully I can get back into Skyrim.
I've been trying to get back into Skyrim but I'm finding it extremely difficult. My save with almost 200 hours on it disappeared a while back and now I have to replay all of that content again to get back up to level 50. At 25 right now, don't know if I'll actually continue with it. Oh well.
Skyrim is a hard game to get back into if you take a break from it. I got up to level 35 on my "OTHER" system but I eventually traded it in becuase of all the bugs in that version.
I started over on the 360 version back in december but I just can't stat consistant with it becuase of time and other issues.
Currently Spec Ops: The Line. Gameplay is meh but the story is quite different from most shooters, which makes it interesting.
Starting tomorrow though it'll be Bioshock Infinite.
The story in Spec Ops is just amazing. Stick with it to the end - it's worth it.
I'm working through the pile of shame - Metro 2033 at the moment. And it's one of the most atmospheric games I've ever played. As a shooter it's flawed, a bit buggy and the ammo as currency, while an AWESOME idea is bit of a pain in the ass in reality... but wow. You step into a tunnel with no idea of where it leads or what you're gonna come across, all the while checking ammo, light gauges, compass and filter in gas mask. Worth a go, if anyone's not played it.
For some reason im still finding the first borderlands cool CaptainLucax
Nothing wrong with that - both of the Borderlands games are cool. :cool:
For some reason im still finding the first borderlands cool CaptainLucaxIt's because IT IS cool! I'm playing through the DLC.
I'm working through the pile of shame - Metro 2033 at the moment. And it's one of the most atmospheric games I've ever played. As a shooter it's flawed, a bit buggy and the ammo as currency, while an AWESOME idea is bit of a pain in the ass in reality... but wow. You step into a tunnel with no idea of where it leads or what you're gonna come across, all the while checking ammo, light gauges, compass and filter in gas mask. Worth a go, if anyone's not played it.
I really enjoyed Metro 2033. The shooting in other games is better, but few games I've played can match the atmosphere in it... very interested in Last Light.
played some Black Ops multiplayer today, cuz my sister begged me to play. i found out, that i absolutely suck at that game:lol:
Then me and my sister played some Left 4 Dead 2 today. we dominated.
I'm working through the pile of shame - Metro 2033 at the moment. And it's one of the most atmospheric games I've ever played. As a shooter it's flawed, a bit buggy and the ammo as currency, while an AWESOME idea is bit of a pain in the ass in reality... but wow. You step into a tunnel with no idea of where it leads or what you're gonna come across, all the while checking ammo, light gauges, compass and filter in gas mask. Worth a go, if anyone's not played it.
I really enjoyed Metro 2033. The shooting in other games is better, but few games I've played can match the atmosphere in it... very interested in Last Light.
Same here! Metro 2033 is an outstanding game!
I'm working through the pile of shame - Metro 2033 at the moment. And it's one of the most atmospheric games I've ever played. As a shooter it's flawed, a bit buggy and the ammo as currency, while an AWESOME idea is bit of a pain in the ass in reality... but wow. You step into a tunnel with no idea of where it leads or what you're gonna come across, all the while checking ammo, light gauges, compass and filter in gas mask. Worth a go, if anyone's not played it.
I really enjoyed Metro 2033. The shooting in other games is better, but few games I've played can match the atmosphere in it... very interested in Last Light.
Same here! Metro 2033 is an outstanding game!
Outstanding and underrated.
As for what I'm playing, Bioshock Infinite and GoW Judgement
Right now I'm focusing on GOW Judgement and Bioshock Infinite. I sometimes sprinkle a little Halo 4 and Far Cry 3 in there too.
And of course Minecraft.
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