I think the guy up top.(op) Would be better off with a Wii for kids. Not bashing. It's a great system for children and families. Lots of easy to understand gameplay concepts, and keeps them moving, and active. Of course with limited play time, any video game system can be a positive thing. But Wii's wand is really quite nice for kids and senior citizen's mental and physical health.
Also. If I had a son, of gaming age. I would show him a E or teen rated RPG or tactic FPS. No human killing. A game that promoted constructive thinking. Not mind-numbing button pushery. Make him think.
As for a daughter, of gaming age. Same thing, but maybe more kick ass oriented. Like a Street fighter or soulcauliber. Teach her a bit about fighting and kicking ass. Show her that chicks can hurt too. Since I would be extremely over protective for my daughter. Don't need to worry about developing a female mind. She would be crazy smart anyway. Giving her a male's idea of physical pain, would make her a navy seal!
Don't know you and your family. I would actually buy a 360, PC or PS3 to game on for my family. I'm just L33T that way. :lol:
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