Shorter compared to what? It's not like any of the classic fps's were that long. Perfect Dark, Goldeneye, Duke Nukem, Doom, Wolfenstein, all of those were really short. If anything, I think that fps campaigns have gotten longer.
It just seems like they've gotten shorter because other genres have gotten longer campaigns, and the genres that are typically longer like RPG's have gotten more mainstream so more people who used to only play shooters are now playing games like Mass Effect and Dragon Age.
I have to agree with this statement.
When thinking about campaign length, I have a hard time remembering when FPSs ever had a lengthy single player. It seems the obvious culprit to a short single player is Call of Duty, but when was the Call of Duty series ever touted as having a long campaign? FPSs typically don't have long campigns, especially with multiplayer at the forefront. You'll have nice exceptions to this like Half-Life, Stalker, BioShock, and Crysis but I don't think anything has really changed.
I think part of the problem is as people age, become more educated about available games, have higher incomes, less time; games just don't hold anyone's attention for as long as they used to when you were younger.
You both make excellent points. Comparing across genres, we probably feel like we're being cheated out of a lengthier experience, but such comparisons hardly ever reveal anything of much worth. After all, games fall into different categories for a purpose.
But those exceptions you mentioned are precisely the problem. If every FPS skirted the 6 hour mark, then complaints about campaign length probably wouldn't be as prevalent, though gamers would probably still cite long RPG's and wonder as to why their favorite FPS's don't receive the same treatment. But since we have Half-Life, Bioshock, etc., I think that we see the possibilties and wish these were the norm.
In fact, this is probably one of the mechanisms by which many (if not all) genres improve. For example, if an RPG nowadays conducts conversations in a textbox, it frustrates me to no end (though I can't say how others feel about this), whereas, back in the day, I spent hours playing games like Morrowind without any complaints. However, most of the RPG's currently on my shelf wouldn't even dream of such a mechanic. In the same way, I play through Half-Life and then I breeze through CoD, and wish there were something to bridge the gap between the two.
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