Devil May Cry 4 on Hell or Hell mode. Has always been the most difficult in my opinion. Many people don't know the mode because you have to unlock it by beating the game on Dante Must Die. Basically, it goes like this:
Human (Easy)
Devil Hunter (Normal)
Son of Sparda (Hard)
Dante Must Die (Very Hard)
Then, after beating DMD, you unlock Hell vs Hell, where you're essentially playing Son of Sparda mode, except you die with one hit. That includes every hit, no matter how little vitality it would drain on the other difficulties, you die instantly.
It's really hard. I don't generally call games hard. For instance, I thought Ninja Gaiden 2 wasn't that hard at all on the Path of the Warrior setting. I'm currently doing my Path of the Mentor setting which I don't find all that hard either (with the exception of the damn Tests of Valor), but yeah... DMC4's HvsH is just brutal.
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