[QUOTE="sonofabear17"]Its the campagain and they score it. they give you points for kills and different stuff like thatCBScott
NO, meta-game is not campaign scoring, it describes a gametype in multiplayer, perhaps the one where you play in forge. Download the last couple bungie podcasts, they talk about it in them. GET YOUR HALO IQ UP, KIDSNo, its campaign scoring.
Halo 3 features a "campaign meta-game" in which a player is awarded a numerical score based on their performance while completing a level in the campaign. Points mostly come from defeating enemies, with extra points being awarded for stylish moves such as performing "headshots", or progressing through a level quickly. Finding and activating Skulls, a continuation of Halo 2's gameplay-altering items, allows a player to obtain even higher scores in the meta-game. As it records individual performance for each player, the meta-game also introduces a competitive aspect to co-op play. If a player themselves die, or kill a co-op teammate however, they will lose points.[12] Campaign play also unlocks even more armor permutations for use in multiplayer.[13]
Gamerscore is awarded for successfully getting over a certain score in each level,[14] and medals are awarded for specific accomplishments.
from wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halo_3
read up kid
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