Legit question, I'm a Nintendo/PC fan on these forums, but I do like plenty of Sony exclusives also.
Anyways, I've always been curious what the appeal is? Is it the few exclusives it has? Xbox live?
Better controller (Elite), removable battery in controller, 4k graphic upgrades to 1080p games, backward compatible, Sony console blocks bootleg movie disks, I can play free xbox games offline (PS4 requires membership and online connection).
The 1st and most important for me : HALO series
Well growing up I was a huge Nintendo fan. I mean giant. Nintendo systems were particularly hot items amongst my family and friends, there were some Segas and PlayStations but they were generally the exception and not the rule. And this continued all the way up until about the Wii.
We were very hyped for the Wii after the GameCube. No question many of us got one around launch. But essentially the general consensus with us is that it was rather gimmicky, didn't have a ton of content that was worthwhile and basically were glorified Brawl machines. It did not provide a traditional console experience which left many of us disappointed, particularly with the lack of iconic multiplats and sports games.
Naturally, people began to entertain different systems. The 360 eventually became the hot item amongst my friends, I was not an early adopter - I got it in late 2009 because by then, I had an overwhelming amount of people to play with. We entertained and continue to entertain franchises like Halo, Gears, Forza, CoD and various other EA games that are on the console.
I own all systems but between PS and Xbox I prefer the Xbox. Controller, services and UI are better imo. Now with the X games play better too but until recently PS Pro was my main console because of the difference in power. Regarding PS exclusives, Bloodborne is the only one that I do love. Horizon is fine but nothing transcendental.
At first I was on fence, but the 2014 holiday sales had great XB1 deals, at the time the at stem had better exclusive line-up that interested me more like Dead Rising 3, Titanfall, Halo MCC, Crimson Dragon, and had Tomb Raider coming. PS4 had better prospects for what I wanted it for, but stuff that wasn't out yet, so I waited an extra year before getting one of those.
I own all platforms, and enjoy them for different reasons. I prefer the Xbox to other consoles for the following reasons:
LIVE is superior to PS Online.
Has more games with reasons to play with others online, Sony has more games with reasons to own a PlayStation for single player purposes.
Also yes, the BC focus is quite nice too!
Upgraded to the X1X, gave my old X1 to my cousin so he can start gaming with us online. He has been trapped in a PlayStation only world that I hope to help him evolve from.
Xbox Live, controller, backwards compatibility, games (although this year has been slow), friends have it, X1X
Halo,better controller,XBL,I've been loyal to the Xbox brand since it started.Still on the fence about buying a PS4,but I'll still love my X1.
@ArchoNils2: EXACTLY. I have the Scorpio, PS4 Pro and Switch. They all have their strengths and weaknesses.
I chose the xbox because I thought it was the best system for me. I also think its better than ps4, and I know there are people that would disagree with that.
All`my family have xboxes, so I got one to play with them. I like the os interface better, the controller design, back compat, play anywhere, and the better uptime (it used to be horrible). It kinda sucks having to pay for xbox live gold just to play online when ps4 people don't have to, but It's not really that bad and they make up for it with the 2-4 free games with gold every month.
All`my family have xboxes, so I got one to play with them. I like the os interface better, the controller design, back compat, play anywhere, and the better uptime (it used to be horrible). It kinda sucks having to pay for xbox live gold just to play online when ps4 people don't have to, but It's not really that bad and they make up for it with the 2-4 free games with gold every month.
PS4 players do have to pay for PS Plus in order to game online. They also get "plus" deals, and free games each month as well.
PS3 players did not have to.
All`my family have xboxes, so I got one to play with them. I like the os interface better, the controller design, back compat, play anywhere, and the better uptime (it used to be horrible). It kinda sucks having to pay for xbox live gold just to play online when ps4 people don't have to, but It's not really that bad and they make up for it with the 2-4 free games with gold every month.
PS4 players do have to pay for PS Plus in order to game online. They also get "plus" deals, and free games each month as well.
PS3 players did not have to.
Oh okay. My bad. I have a ps3 I bought a while back because it was cheaper than blueray players at the time. I don't have a ps4 though. I just assumed.
All`my family have xboxes, so I got one to play with them. I like the os interface better, the controller design, back compat, play anywhere, and the better uptime (it used to be horrible). It kinda sucks having to pay for xbox live gold just to play online when ps4 people don't have to, but It's not really that bad and they make up for it with the 2-4 free games with gold every month.
PS4 players do have to pay for PS Plus in order to game online. They also get "plus" deals, and free games each month as well.
PS3 players did not have to.
Oh okay. My bad. I have a ps3 I bought a while back because it was cheaper than blueray players at the time. I don't have a ps4 though. I just assumed.
Yeah, the PlayStation Network has come a long way since the PS3 which is why they charge for it now. However, Xbox LIVE is still superior.
i don't think one is better than the other, i went and bought the one X for many reasons and none of them are power or how good the games look. i was going to get a one X orignally but at E3 this year i think it was? when it was revealed all 3 of the consoles were gonna be able to be played on the X. that is what caught my interest as i was on the fence from E3 of last year until this years. i held off buying a one S cause if i was gonna buy one i'd rather not have to buy 2 of them but one cause that's a LOT of $$$$ ya know? i've owned nearly all the consoles out there as well, but i never had any Atari or Sega so i haven't had them all.
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