I know this might not be a popular suggestion, but I would like to see what they could do with the civil war. The long reload times and bayonets could really add a new layer of strategy to the gameplay. Not sure if trearch could handle that much potential though, better leave it to Infinity Ward.julienelson
I hear some ppl want the civil war, but I see that era in rts games or like Indigo Prophecy or something, very weird as a shooter. i just can't see myself shooting once, reload for a couple of minutes and fire again while standing in formation just waiting for the enemies to fire their volley and see if I get hit. Gentlemen sure... but dead gentlemen.Keitarourashima
I'm not sure the Civil War would make for that great of a shooter. This got me thinking about GameSpot's Gods and Generals review. If you haven't read it, do so; it's hilarious "A heated battle rages on either side of this 'tree.' The wily Confederates try a desperate gambit: clipping through the tree trunk." :lol:
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