So I'm trying to convince my parents to get me a 360 for Christmas this year, but they said they won't go too high on the price for it. So I've been looking around (eBay, Amazon, Craigslist, etc) and I saw that Gamestop is having a Black Friday sale on refurbished consoles for $99.99 (just system, needed cords, and a controller. No HDD). They are also marking down the 120 gb hdd too, which I'm hoping to get so I can save the disk data to the system to keep the temeprature down.
The thing I'm worrying about is that this is will be my first Xbox and I'm not completely sure what to look for. I know to see what chip it has (I plan on seeing if there's any with the jasper chip, and if not falcon), but past that I'm lost. So what all should I look at before buying? I know I need to make sure it works fine and see if it's been modded, but what else? Also, is there any noticeable difference between the types of systems they are (like Arcade in comparison to an Elite), or they pretty much the same past that? And please don't suggest buying new as I just don't have the money to go new, or I would.
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