I have just completed Splinter Cell: Conviction's single player campaign for the first time not half an hour ago, and man... it was amazing!
The game had loads of fun levels as well! I think I may love it more than my all-time favourite Splinter Cell title, Pandora Tomorrow!
I am going to complete the game again on Realistic difficulty starting tomorrow, and then get the other alternate achievement (those who have completed it will understand), then I will be working on the Co-op story...after that I am going to get the rest of the achievements... one of the rare occasions where an amazing game has pretty easy achievements! I see myself having the rare 1000g for one of my games in about a week a few... :D.
I know I will get addicted to Hunter Co-op mode... I already had a game.
Just absolutely fantastic, if you love Splinter Cell, or never even tried it, I suggest everybody try this one! :D
Imagine Army Of Two/Kane & Lynch sort of gameplaybut with awesome stealth present. Even though the story is confusing at times, it is awesome!
This isn't my final rating (I haven't tried all of the features yet nor touched the Co-op campaign), butgoing off my experience of that 1 Hunter game and the amazing single player game, for the time being my rating would be 9.0 :D. One of the best 360 titles out there...
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