i just want to see your opions on this
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i just want to see your opions on this
I would like it if they fixed all of the online problems that we hear about and experience. some new weapons would be sweet. make it longer and conclude the story. i didnt like the fact that in gears 2 they mentioned fenix's dad at the end of the credits. where was he while the game was going.bring back horde mode.of course new maps for mp.new executions. thats all i can think of.
A launch not littered with an uncountable amount of glitches. More multiplayer game types. 4-player co-op campaign. Better final boss fight. More Cole.vashkey
I want to be able to choose the online game type like the first Gears of War. If I want to play Guardian, I don't want to maybe get the chance to play it, I just want to play it. None of the nonsense about having 3 game types together and maybe getting to play the one you want to play if you're lucky.OfficialBed
Better voice acting, actually fight more that six locust at a time while on foot, less boss battles, no vechiles(unless refined), release and MP beta before launch to work out bugs. Online: Make it more meduim ranged combat based, less shot gun rushing and power weapon dominated, fix bugs, MLG playlist, and no multiple search playlists(ie. Elimination)... Next carmine shouldn't die, a maincharecter besides Marcus should die, (please kill dom).
I want EPIC batlles not EPIC bosses.
i could care less about the story, everyone knows marcus fenix's dad helped create the locust and the locust quenn is fenix's mom. other then that, new weapons would be cool, and fix all the multiplayer crap.JayQproductionsAww! WTF! C'mon man use the *spoiler*
personally i thought the boss fights have been ok they are all kinda short though
but i think that they should add more avatars for mp and some maps with crazy stuff on them
the razor hail and avalanche are good first steps but i want to see something completely new
and i think the story needs to provide more answers this time seeing as how they've just been raising questions in the last two
and i want the story to keep going not end
[QUOTE="Un4givingAsault"]This!Next carmine shouldn't die.
yes he should and so should dom. i hate him.
Keep it the same!!! :)
But no, online is a joke and recently I have felt ashamed for having paid for xbox live.
Also make it more of a challenge! I've played single player a total of twice, its way too easy.
The only reason im playing it again is because its just soooooo goot
[QUOTE="JayQproductions"]i could care less about the story, everyone knows marcus fenix's dad helped create the locust and the locust quenn is fenix's mom. other then that, new weapons would be cool, and fix all the multiplayer crap.uwiwamithanks for the spoilers he's just assuming that, which seems like it could be true, but hopefully Epic with make a huge twist in the plot.
[QUOTE="JayQproductions"]i could care less about the story, everyone knows marcus fenix's dad helped create the locust and the locust quenn is fenix's mom. other then that, new weapons would be cool, and fix all the multiplayer crap.best-gam3rAww! WTF! C'mon man use the *spoiler*
Firstly, I would like the story to come to some sort of closure. Explain exactly where the horde came from, and what is going on with Fenix's dad, oh and I want to be able to plant a head shot right in between that b!t@h queen's eyes.
And then there is the multiplayer. Even out the weapons and make most of them relevant in some way instead of the shotgun fest that exists right now, and like someone said above me, make the match making similar to that of Halo 2 or COD 4.
Oh, and make the next Carmine a complete badass.
I was a huge fan of Gears 2's singleplayer campaign, thought it was one of the best single player shooter campaigns of last year. Very over the top set peices and cool "HUGE" moments. Plus the vehicle variety was a lot of fun. Horde was fun too, and rewarded teamwork which was nice, but after playing 20-30 levels it gets repetitive fast. Competitive multiplayer was a major let down though. A few minor tweaks and additions of weapons really didnt set this game far apart from the first version. Also, gameplay was generally laggy, especially compared to games like Halo 3 or Resistance 2. Everyone knows about the glitches too, looks like they didnt beef up quality control from the first one unfortunately. Compared to games like COD4 (great ranking and rewards system), Halo 3 (groundbreaking community services, theater options and customizable boards), and Resistance 2 (solid competitive, and revolutionary online co op), Gears 2 just doesnt have the depth these online shooters have. The matchmaking is a rudimentary and dysfunctional version of Halo 3s trueskill system. There is no different classes per se, all soldiers you choose are the same with no real upgradable options. Gears 2 online depends soley on its gameplay as a way to keep gamers coming back and nothing else to motivate them. If online play wasn't so laggy and glitchy this may be enough, but so far its failed pretty badly. Now as far as Gears 3? For single player? More of the same as Gears 2, LOVED the vehicle components to break up the gameplay. Horde? Its a good start but needs more depth. Epic should look to Resistance 2 and build on what theyve started. How about different classes of soldiers with specific skills that NEED to work together to survive. ALSO, vary the objectives instead of just the survive/defense objective of Horde. How about escort a VIP? Defend an encampment? Assault a Locust base? etc etc.... overall needs more depth! Online Competitive? Spend some major time on this in the next game. It seemed like Epic rested on their laurels with Gears 2. Competitive needs some serious depth improvements.... clan support, a ranking system with rewards that effect the online game (weapons, armor, skills?), a better designed matchmaking service, better theater options than just screen pictures, and better online community center to interact with other gamers outside the game. And most importantly, keep the game in the cooker longer: need less lag and glitches that ruin the basic gameplay. Gears 2 game out only 2 years after the first game, how about adding an extra year to Gears 3's development time to make sure you get online multiplayer right this time.ajefferism
This guy knows what to do :)
I also want to add in [kinda unusual no one put this in] A FREAKIN MULTIPLAYER BETA so we can see what we like, what some problems are, add a couple of things, request getting a certain thing out, stuff like that so they can have the players test it at before it actually hits store shelfs so we can help make it a hella of a Multiplayer!
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