This year: (Not all exclusive)
Forza 6 (After I finish Horizon 2. So many hours of racing goodness left!)
Halo 5 (After reviews. I'm not a big Halo fan, but I liked Reach and Warzone looks fun.)
Battlefront (EA Access 10 hour demo FTW!!!)
Gigantic (Does it release this year? I didn't like Smite, but I'm looking forward to Gigantic.)
Next Year: (Not all exclusive)
Garden Warfare 2!!! (Can't wait, I have almost 300 hours into the first one!)
Gears 4 (Horde Mode!!!)
Battleborn (I'm a HUGE Borderlands nut and this looks like the Borderlands I've always wanted.)
Kerbal Space Program (Looks like a ton of fun!)
Forza ???? (Rumors of a third type of racer surfaced some time ago, it'd be nice for variety and develoment time for the others in the series.)
Quantum break (Will wait for reviews/a demo, however, the more I see the more I likey!)
Star Wars ????? (Whatever the Star Wars title is that is supposed to launch next year.)
EA Access Vault (Yeah, I look forward to additions to the Vault. Sue me! :D )
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