So ive been gaming since i was a young lad, and i have been going on these forums and reading about games for many many years. i check the forums just about no matter what a review says, good or bad, just to see what people are saying. Whether that is an xbox live arcade game, or a full fledged sixty dollar game. As the years pass i am finding it harder and harder to get real answers out of people about games on these forums.
point is, i looked at the forums for crackdown 2, singularity, metro 2033, worms armaggeddon(however you effin spell it) amongst some other games here and there. i have played and beaten them all, blah blah blah.
BUT. this isnt about how sweet i am at beating games or whatever, its more just like this-
whatever happened to the phrase "its alright" or "it was decent" "good" "Ok" or "if you like that kind of game". It seems to be the latest trend to go around and either compare these games to great AAA titles when even the devs themselves arent claiming that. in some cases i get it, like... oh what was that game... oh yeah, "too human". that game deserved this kind of banter, because they were toting it as one of the baddest ass games around and all this, so i could see how people would get into it over that.
in closing, i just want to remind you people how things work in human interaction. if everything is amazing nothing sucks. if everything sucks nothing is amazing, and if everything either sucks or is amazing, you are going to live a sad life with alot of broken game discs(and broken dreams in life, lol). so remember, some games are "OK" or "cool if your into that". it doesnt all have to be God of War or Call of Duty or Goldeneye or Super mario bros 3 or whatever. sometimes you get a "wolverine" you know? and thats OK too...
blah. im sure no one will actually read all this. but whatevs. ITS ALRIGHT.
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