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1. Oblivion
1.000001. Vegas (yeah, its that close)
2. COD 2
3. Saint's Row
4. Dead Rising
5. Burnout Revenge
6. Kameo
7. Gears of War
8. Test Drive
9. PGR 3
10. Marvel Ultimate Alliancecarpon
Well since someone decided to resurrect this thread I will post my current 10.
1. Mass Effect
2. COD 4
2. (tie) Orange Box
3. Assasin's Creed
3. (tie) Bioshock
3. (tie) Halo 3
4. Forza 2
4. (tie) Rock Band
4. (tie) GH2/3
5. Oblivion
6. R6
7. Crackdown
8. The Darkness
9. COD 2
10. PGR 4
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