Don't know the funniest thing I have heard, but the funniest thing I've seen just happened a couple days ago.
I was playing Halo 3 and picked up the Sniper Rifle when some douche on my own team (Rayne5030 was his gamertag) started trying to betray me for the rifle. So I snipe him in the face and start meleeing his dead body a few times when the other team kills me with a grenade. So the grenade dislodged HIS dead body from the bank of the river (in Valhalla) and it starts floating down the river just as he respawn's. The idiot comes running down the hill, shooting HIS OWN DEAD BODY and then starts T-BAGGING HIMSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Meanwhile, my body is about 20 metres away, with the sniper rifle sitting next to it. So after I respawn, I tell everyone how stupid he is and he tries to betray me again and I snipe him in the face again. I expected to be booted but he must have been button mashing and pushed "B" by mistake so I got to snipe him in the face a 3rd time before being booted... it was freakin hilarious.
I immediately went to the theatre and recorded the t-baggin for my file share and sent him a message that I was keeping it there FOREVER for everyone to see how stupid he is... he went offline about 20 seconds later.
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