me and a friend were recently arguing and he came to the conclusion that gears of war's hist advantage(meaning the host's bullets travel faster sometimes) is worse than halo 3 not having online co op (still not confirmed but most likely it wont, its coiming out in two months)
i can always just play with my friends in real life but sometimes i can take down i host in geasrs so i dont know i guess not having online co op isnt that bad
host advantage pisses me off it has to be the most stupid thing you could have online it doesnt make since at all. Why make the host more powerful!? Thats dumb but ya online co-op is bad to.
To me it's host advantage, but then again I haven't really been playing GeOW for a while now. No online co-op in Halo doesn't bother me that much since the online is ridiculous.
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