Battlefield has an excellent online community. A lot of mature gamers, and you don't have many whiny little kids online unlike in CoD4, and this is a little ironic since CoD4 is rated M and BF: BC rated T, yet Battlefield has the better community.
Battlefield: Bad Company has two game modes, Conquest and Gold Rush. Gold Rush is simple, you have attackers and defenders. There are multiple stages in one map, for example, the attackers will destroy the first set of gold crates, but then they'll move onto new ones, except on the same map. It's a real epic feeling and requires actual strategy.Conquest is classic Battlfield. There are multiple points on the map your team must capture, and with each capture point you get more points, similar to domination in CoD4.
I'm not sure about the actual number of maps, but it's an excellent and varied selection. Also, Battlefield is class based, and there are no custom classes, but there are unlockables for each class.
If you get Battlefield though, you must go to the Battlefield game marketplace, and from there you can download four new maps and the conquest mode.I'd recommend BF: BC at this point. I loved CoD4 don't get me wrong. Level 55 10th prestige (think what you want of me, I don't care.) Plus, I believed Treyarch actually did pretty well on CoD: WaW, but I just like Battlefield a little more.
Also, I agree with you, I ONLY buy FPS's for their online multiplayer, single player games are only good for RPG's in my opinion.
If you want, send me a game invite for either game, if you don't it's fine. My game is Logan1616, just like here on gamespot.
Good Luck in your decision
Logan1616 (
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