Lol, just thought of this randomly but i thought it would be good topic whats your gamer zone on your 360 and why do you think it best represents how you play
Its Not wheter you win or lose but that everyone enjoys the game
Motto:Kick Back, Relax, Be Considerate, And Have Fun
You Arent Going to settle for anything less than first place, but you respect the game and your competitors
Motto: Play Clean Play Hard Play To Win
You Want a zone you and your kids can enjoy. No mature language no intimidation no super-competitive egos
Motto: In short fun for the whole family
If you arent easily intimidated the underground is for you. Not for the faint of heart.
Motto:Your Battle Cry:Take No Prisoners!
i know zones have really no meaning but its intresting how people play i picked pro not because im "5uP3R L33T" but, because i really hate losing and i dont settle for anything but first place as im a very competive person but if someone beats me i respect that and more angry at myself for not doing better same with when people do cheap stuff im more mad at myself cause i know im better than that
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