hi, i recently got my series x thanks to recommendations here; in combination with an LG OLED CX; and am really loving it. last console i had was a x360.
so i got the gamepassultimate for 36 months (hell of a deal, especially when buying live and upgrading it to ultimate to save money) and quickly tested the multiplayer for some games but am rather disappointed in this regard; ill just ramble on with my impressions (might be misunderstandings on my part, if so im sorry) and some questions:
halo master chief edition/collection: there just seems to be a limited selection of online game modes, not really sorted by the original games with a wierd "quickplay"style matchmaking process letting me only find games when looking for "anything". (1) GMU has also Halo 5, can you tell me whether this is where the halo multiplayer is at right now numberwise? im also waiting for halo infinite i guess this one will be full of ppl then.
forza MS 7: while MP is spread out across a vast selection of very specific modes it seems to work like half of the time or half of the modes for me. i couldnt do the 101 or 102 series for hours because it kept disconnecting or no oppenents were found, but later i found games with ease there. waiting time between races is a bit too long and most of the time there only seem to be 3 laps but there seems to be quite some ppl playing so its like a 4/10 MP or so if i had to rate it. (2) i need my online (semi)sim racing fix and thought F7 was the way to go til like... 8 comes out; can you tell me whether assetto corsa is better regarding MP mode? any other sim racer out right now or coming up soon?
forza horizon 4: after and before each multiplayer race it locks me into a "transporting players" loading screen for 5+ minutes. after reading up on this its a problem which has been around for many people since the steamversion came out...? (3) How can this be... FH4 seems to be a flagship right now?
battlefield v: the only "professional" mp i found so far, its showing me a real list with many populated servers, low latency (in real numbers). ofc every game has its pros and cons but on a technical level this one is done alright. (4) are there any other FPS (i prefer tactical ones) on GMU or otherwise you would recommend in this regard? i guess Rainbow Six Siege could be healthy right now? How about Doom MP? are older battlefields even better populated?
gears 5: again a weird matchmaking process, letting me wait for a long time before a game is found. considering most of their DLC are online skins etc. this confuses me...
(5) What are your recommendation when looking for MP games worth buying/training/investing DLC$ for on live? Which titles are you waiting for regarding live? My thought process regarding my daily play list :D was 1 shooter 1 racer 1 fighter (how do these play out latencywise etc.) and 1-2 singleplayer games i go through on GPU. is there something like on steam where one can check online player numbers before getting the game, so it hasnt to be found out the hard way?
what i absolutly hate is a) not showing real connection quality information b) how many ppl are playing the game overall c) quickmatch MM only, hiding number of servers and players. i was unhappy to see so many of these elements within the first games i checked........
thank you for your thoughts!
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