My Xbox got the dreaded E74 error and I replace the xclamps with some M5 bolts and nylon washers. A friend of mine gave me another broken Xbox 360 and it had the 3 red rings of death. I did the same thing and both of them are working fine now. My friend technically gave me his broken 360 but he offered to buy it back if I got it working. Since these are quick fixes and not permanent like reballing the solder I told him I'd get him a working one for $30. I can't afford to buy a new Arcade or send a motherboard off to get reballed until next month at the earliest and I don't want to be without a working Xbox 360 until then. Does anyone have any knowledge of these errors? Which unit is likely to be more stable? The RROD unit or the E74 one?
i'm not sure what kind of error the #74 one is but red ring is more stable. the red ring is just the 360 over heating and ending up moving the motherboard off a little.
I heard the E74 error was in a way more serious of a problem so I'd sell it to him with a warning (HE is afriend) that it may go bad again. RRod xbox is likely to be fixable again or might last long enough for you to save some money to buy a new system. By the way do you have a link to the fix you used on the RRoD? I have an Arcade coming but I'd like to get my old pro system working to. I'm currently borrowing my Brother's Elite.
Well, I ended up keeping the E74 one. It was my Xbox so I know it's history. The E74 error is definitely a GPU problem and from the looks of it an issue that's very similar to the RROD 360s.
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