Just out of curiosity, which do you prefer, the white and chrome color scheme of the premium, or the black elite? Also, I read someone say that there aren't any black peripherials, like network adapters, is this true? Are there any black peripherials at all?
I bought a core and it came with a free controller. I picked up a blk one but sadly I had to return it three days later since it wouldn't turn on. I never got to use it. Lol. My friend also called me ghetto at the time.:(
I actually like the white color of the regular 360 better, but all my friends with white 360's say my black one looks cool ;3 whatever, dO IT REALLY MATTA?!
Oh, ok then. But does anyone have any preferences in the color scheme? I haven't actually ever seen an elite, all I've seen is the premium but I honestly think the white and chrome would look better; more modern or sleek I guess. Any thoughts?
i owned a premium up to about 3 days ago and then went to best buy to get my 360 replaced by a new, slicker, elite. i love the black color and it matches the rest of my entertainment equipment. :)
I've got an Elite, and I love the color of it. It's nice when I go over to my friend's house to play because I don't have to write my name on my controller to know it's mine.
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