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Exactly, you don`t go in to a shoe store where every pair of shoes are the same price, and it shouldn't be that way with games either.lets see
this one size fits all 60 dollar tag doesnt work, we need competition
[QUOTE="nas-tmayne2k6"]Exactly, you don`t go in to a shoe store where every pair of shoes are the same price, and it shouldn't be that way with games either.lets see
this one size fits all 60 dollar tag doesnt work, we need competition
theres obviously video game facsism going on, free market principles would allow large games a tag of like 65 dollars and simple games like ddr or guitar hero to be 30, plus guitar or pad.
i think its to expensive, remember back in the day when they were 40. if every game was 20 then there would probily be a lot more gamers, it would be no big deal if the game was crappy....o i just waisted 20 on this game meh only 20.
some other countries people pay around 75 for new games....
i think its to expensive, remember back in the day when they were 40. if every game was 20 then there would probily be a lot more gamers, it would be no big deal if the game was crappy....o i just waisted 20 on this game meh only 20.
some other countries people pay around 75 for new games....
My only problem is with budget games and sports games. If it's a budget game, it should be budget priced, if it's sports game with a couple new features from the previous one, it shouldn't be full price. TDU was awesome for $40. I don't know how much EDF 2017 was when it came out, but I really hope it was $40. Even $50 for that game would be pushing it.-Montauk-EDF was 40...
[QUOTE="-Montauk-"]My only problem is with budget games and sports games. If it's a budget game, it should be budget priced, if it's sports game with a couple new features from the previous one, it shouldn't be full price. TDU was awesome for $40. I don't know how much EDF 2017 was when it came out, but I really hope it was $40. Even $50 for that game would be pushing it.zero9167EDF was 40... Alright, that's good. I just got it like a week ago, I didn't remember how much it was originally.
You notice that allot of DVDs are the same price. I believe the games need to stay where they are because it supports the economy. There is nothing wrong with the economy right now. The economy has just dropped a little bit but it will go back up. It has happened in the past. Games are expensive to make. Developers and Publishers cant drop the price of low content of games because when they do that, they can run out of money.
Actually, despite the rising costs in development, games are not more expensive now than they were in the early 1990s.
I remember buying new games for the 3DO or Sega CD that were $69 or even $79 Canadian back then. Considering inflation and the rising costs, I'd say the prices are very respectable because today, I can pick up new releases for $59 Canadian.
Food for thought...
Dude, thats because games is the main thing you do on consoles. Companies make PC games less because there are more stuff you can do on computers that you have to pay for.
I don`t buy the whole "games are expensive to make" crap, aren`t they expensive to make for pc? How come those games are $10 cheaper?HilbillyRokstar
and how many bugs come out on the pc versions of games? How many patches do you need to download in order to get it to work on certain pc's?
Thanks, I'll pay the extra $10 to ensure mine is compatible and works perfectly on my 360.
You just supported my argument....and disputed your own.Dude, thats because games is the main thing you do on consoles. Companies make PC games less because there are more stuff you can do on computers that you have to pay for.
I deffinettly think games are too expensive, and because of this I can only buy the ones I really want, I know developing games is an expensive chore, but COME ON!!!!! Like Eregon? I bought the game for ten bucks, and I just can't believe it was set to 60 at one time!Doku16
well, that's not an argument... You can't expect all games to be good.
[QUOTE="Spartans_317"]You just supported my argument....and disputed your own.Dude, thats because games is the main thing you do on consoles. Companies make PC games less because there are more stuff you can do on computers that you have to pay for.
Uh were complaing about games on PC being 50 dollars and console games being 60. I pointed out why.
I agree about content to a certain extent but the cost to create game is very expensive these days. And we have to remember that as the consumer we have a lot of power. If a company undelivers in the quality department, then don't buy their game. If a company innovates then support them by buying their game. And don't buy used, because that doesn't go to the publishers and supports the rip off game stores.
More information on the breakdown of the cost can be found here. Where does your $60 go?
Whoever attempts to provide justification for the wallet slaughtering that is a modern video game purchase has either (A) More money than they have sense or (B) some hand in the industry.
$65 could potentially be a week's worth of groceries, instead for us it's an 8 hour romp through some underwater dystopia. It was hard in 2006 to go from paying $40-50 for new games for your PS2 to paying $60-70 for your 360, a system that set you back a few hundred dollars and a kidney short to boot. Furthermore, games, while they're certainly better to look at aren't getting any longer! This is theft to some degree.
Consumers have every right to think of this as murder.
This is an issue that needs to be fixed and soon.
Whoever attempts to provide justification for the wallet slaughtering that is a modern video game purchase has either (A) More money than they have sense or (B) some hand in the industry.
$65 could potentially be a week's worth of groceries, instead for us it's an 8 hour romp through some underwater dystopia. It was hard in 2006 to go from paying $40-50 for new games for your PS2 to paying $60-70 for your 360, a system that set you back a few hundred dollars and a kidney short to boot. Furthermore, games, while they're certainly better to look at aren't getting any longer! This is theft to some degree.
Consumers have every right to think of this as murder.
This is an issue that needs to be fixed and soon.
not going to happen and you obviously have a lot of frustration about this. Like someone posted before, no one's forcing your hand to buy these "expensive" games.
i truly dont mind payin for a game like call of duty or gears of war with a 65 dollar price tag. But when they expect u to pay 60 dollars for games such as turok, the club, and lost odyssey, i bleive that is outrageous. Games such as they where they arent as good should be marketed down to to 45 dollar price tag.Jo023
......LO is well worth 60 dollars, but I agree with Turok and the club..
I think makers need to price their games according to value. A lot of games seem to deliver less content than they should.(for example) I love CoD4 but a 5 to 6 hr campaign seems kind of cheap. At least Vegas 2 and GTA4 should provide enough content to justify the price. I just wish more games did. HilbillyRokstar
With over 110 hours into the game so far (campaign AND multiplayer combined) I personally feel like I got my money's worth on COD4 more than any other game on the 360. But, yeah, bringing prices down on the crap games would be great.
remember when N64 games and Snes games were $89.99? I do, that's why I had so little because it was soooo expensive.simardbrad
I'm glad someone else remembers this, because it really puts things in perspective. Plus, I've heard that NES games, adjusted for inflation, were about $90 also. When you consider how much more content is in a game like Oblivion GOTY or Mass Effect for $60 than Contra, which can be beaten in an hour, for $90, it seems like today's games are a steal. Or you can just wait a few years and get games cheaply like I do. In the meantime, older games are just fine.
Whoever attempts to provide justification for the wallet slaughtering that is a modern video game purchase has either (A) More money than they have sense or (B) some hand in the industry.
$65 could potentially be a week's worth of groceries, instead for us it's an 8 hour romp through some underwater dystopia. It was hard in 2006 to go from paying $40-50 for new games for your PS2 to paying $60-70 for your 360, a system that set you back a few hundred dollars and a kidney short to boot. Furthermore, games, while they're certainly better to look at aren't getting any longer! This is theft to some degree.
Consumers have every right to think of this as murder.
This is an issue that needs to be fixed and soon.
A fair viewpoint, but it comes down to the fact that gaming is a luxury. If someone is skipping groceries to buy Xbox games, they need to get some priorities in order.
And there are always ways to get cheaper games. Ebay, Craigslist,, Friends, Video Store Used Bins, etc... I think I've only payed full price for 1 game on the Xbox.
I completely agree with the statement that games should not all cost the same. Some companies are stealing money from people by charging $60 for their game. Sure it cost a lot to make a game nowadays but you don't see any of those companies going bankrupt now do you? I see it this way. Games have not changed drastically since the ps2, xbox 1 days. Sure they are better looking but that comes with the better hardware. I did not see the need for games to go from $50 to $60 from last gen to the current.CrackerRiley023
Well, I don't at all agree with this. Remember companies like Acclaim that went bankrupt...or Atari with their well publicisized struggles...even EA had to close down their Chicago office.
Competition in the game industry is fierce and for the amount of money it takes to create a game, it's understandable that publishers had to slightly increase the cost.
Again, in the early 1990s, with the N64 and other systems like the 3DO, we used to pay over $60 back then. If you factor in cost increases and inflation, the fact that nowadays most quality games are much longer. we're getting a pretty good deal.
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