I am not, because I am still addicted to COD 4 and I personally dont really care for the GTA series as a whole, its just repetitive.
More games coming out in 2008 im looking forward too.
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I am not, because I am still addicted to COD 4 and I personally dont really care for the GTA series as a whole, its just repetitive.
More games coming out in 2008 im looking forward too.
how can you say its just repetitive and when you are playing the most repetitive multiplayer
Not me! NOT ME! Never been a fan of games based on the ideal of "lets put alot of half-arsed broken pyshics into one game, slap some cursing, sex, and violence on it and SELL MILLIONS".
Over-rated. Crackdown is a much better sandbox game. So is Saints Row. The shooting mechanics aren't CRAP like they are in GTA, also you create your own character and you aren't a slave to some slap-faced-HBO series rip-off story-line. People have only ever been amused by the repetitive crap play of GTA games simply because its rap as being "OOH SO BRUTAL, SO FEISTY, SO 'MATURE'", when in reality it does nothing new and borrows everything it does do from other games and recreates it very poorly.
Also, in games like Crackdown you have super powers. Not to mention the new Hulk game coming out, as well as Prototype. I'll use those games to fulfill my NEED for sandbox.
GTA just doesn't scream anything exciting to me.
Not me! NOT ME! Never been a fan of games based on the ideal of "lets put alot of half-arsed broken pyshics into one game, slap some cursing, sex, and violence on it and SELL MILLIONS".
Over-rated. Crackdown is a much better sandbox game. So is Saints Row. The shooting mechanics aren't CRAP like they are in GTA, also you create your own character and you aren't a slave to some slap-faced-HBO series rip-off story-line. People have only ever been amused by the repetitive crap play of GTA games simply because its rap as being "OOH SO BRUTAL, SO FEISTY, SO 'MATURE'", when in reality it does nothing new and borrows everything it does do from other games and recreates it very poorly.
Also, in games like Crackdown you have super powers. Not to mention the new Hulk game coming out, as well as Prototype. I'll use those games to fulfill my NEED for sandbox.
GTA just doesn't scream anything exciting to me.
Take it easy. The last GTA came out 4 years ago before the 360.
Crackdown and Saints Row came out on a console that was 20 times better. Anyway they aren't that much better because just for example you can only use cars and you can't dive under the water.
read: i never said anything bad about GTA 4, it looks basically the same as the previous 3 and i said i didnt find them particularly enthralling.bond21
I don't wish to bash you, but the word repetitive shouldn't come from a fps fan.And believe me, the word repetitive can have really bad meanings.
I am not, because I am still addicted to COD 4 and I personally dont really care for the GTA series as a whole, its just repetitive.
More games coming out in 2008 im looking forward too.
QTF! Some people are sane!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY
Not me; I've never supported the series. I guess it's where I draw the line with video game violence and my need to submerse myself in it. Violence against monsters/aliens is fine for me; violence in a military setting is also OK; I guest it's the chaotic violence for the sake of violence that repells me. It's a fine line, but it's one I choose to draw.
I shouldn't, at least right away. I just may fail all my classes if I do, as I only have 2 1/2 weeks left in the semester.
As to the negative comments however, while I respect that people have the right to not like a game, no matter how greatly made it is, I still disagree with some of the reasoning here. First of all, you're seriously going to hit it for being all about a crappy physics engine with sex, violence, and swearing to sell millions, then in the very same post talk about how you liked Saints Row. You're kidding right? That's the dumbest thing ever, especially since Saint Row had just as much violence and swearing as any of the GTA's. And Crackdown? Seriously? I owned it, and it was fun up until you just about maxed all your attributes out, when it became the most repetitive and nonsense game in the world (jump on the buildng, throw the car, blow up the gangsters, wash, rinse, repeat). I basically bought that game specifically to get in the Halo 3 beta, and traded it back in after the extremely shallow story line and even more repetitive missions finally caved me in. Even Saints Row was better than that crapfest. I do admit, I enjoyed Saints Row as an "in the meantime" game while I waited for GTA IV. It had the improved ragdoll physics, improved shooting, and the whole waypoint system. I also thought the story mode and side games weren't bad. However, the cinematic nature and ability to tell a story nowhere near matched GTA in any form, and don't bring the crap about it stealing from other stories. It's called satire. It satirizes those stories, and above all pays homage to the greats that have come before it.
My biggest issue however is that you are comparing a GTA-ish game to hold us over that was made for this generation to GTA games of last generation. That is just dumb. That is like my comparing PGR3 for 360 to Gran Turismo 2 for the PS2. For your complaints about GTA like physics? A complaint about last generation, definitely not about this generation if you've been paying even a little attention. The new physics on this one are so vastly improved and advanced that they actually completely blow what you seem to hold so dear in your Crackdown and Saints Row clear out of the water. Story line has improved vastly. Combat has improved vastly, along with interactivity and immersiveness.
While I'm sure this doesn't apply to all of you, it seems like some in here are just grasping at straws and lame excuses to support their dislike of this game, when the reality is, you should just join up with the rest of the close-minded politicians and media groups to talk about how games like GTA caused so-and-so to shoot and behead so-and-so, rather than looking at the real issues: you're ignorant.
Again, doesn't apply to all of you. Some of you just don't prefer sand-box games period because of the slower pace and "repetitiveness". That's cool and your right to feel that way. Those who claim to love sand-box games and still talk trash however? Just shut up and go back to your PTA meeting to blindly spit your venom.
I shouldn't, at least right away. I just may fail all my classes if I do, as I only have 2 1/2 weeks left in the semester.
As to the negative comments however, while I respect that people have the right to not like a game, no matter how greatly made it is, I still disagree with some of the reasoning here. First of all, you're seriously going to hit it for being all about a crappy physics engine with sex, violence, and swearing to sell millions, then in the very same post talk about how you liked Saints Row. You're kidding right? That's the dumbest thing ever, especially since Saint Row had just as much violence and swearing as any of the GTA's. And Crackdown? Seriously? I owned it, and it was fun up until you just about maxed all your attributes out, when it became the most repetitive and nonsense game in the world (jump on the buildng, throw the car, blow up the gangsters, wash, rinse, repeat). I basically bought that game specifically to get in the Halo 3 beta, and traded it back in after the extremely shallow story line and even more repetitive missions finally caved me in. Even Saints Row was better than that crapfest. I do admit, I enjoyed Saints Row as an "in the meantime" game while I waited for GTA IV. It had the improved ragdoll physics, improved shooting, and the whole waypoint system. I also thought the story mode and side games weren't bad. However, the cinematic nature and ability to tell a story nowhere near matched GTA in any form, and don't bring the crap about it stealing from other stories. It's called satire. It satirizes those stories, and above all pays homage to the greats that have come before it.
My biggest issue however is that you are comparing a GTA-ish game to hold us over that was made for this generation to GTA games of last generation. That is just dumb. That is like my comparing PGR3 for 360 to Gran Turismo 2 for the PS2. For your complaints about GTA like physics? A complaint about last generation, definitely not about this generation if you've been paying even a little attention. The new physics on this one are so vastly improved and advanced that they actually completely blow what you seem to hold so dear in your Crackdown and Saints Row clear out of the water. Story line has improved vastly. Combat has improved vastly, along with interactivity and immersiveness.
While I'm sure this doesn't apply to all of you, it seems like some in here are just grasping at straws and lame excuses to support their dislike of this game, when the reality is, you should just join up with the rest of the close-minded politicians and media groups to talk about how games like GTA caused so-and-so to shoot and behead so-and-so, rather than looking at the real issues: you're ignorant.
Again, doesn't apply to all of you. Some of you just don't prefer sand-box games period because of the slower pace and "repetitiveness". That's cool and your right to feel that way. Those who claim to love sand-box games and still talk trash however? Just shut up and go back to your PTA meeting to blindly spit your venom.
Yup. Oh wait *re-reads post* uh huh. That's pretty much what I was gonna write. Good Job.
this is for all those people who arent gettting GTAIV because it's too repetitive
i just got a couple questions, isnt masturbating repetitive ? - Vice City - But yet, people still do it !?!?! no way !
isnt better when you got a girl suckin on yo thang ? - GTAIV - People, you owe to yourselves to try something new every now and then
and i can promise that playing GTAIV will deliver a gaming experience you couldnt even dream of being this good
Peace Up A-town
Not me! NOT ME! Never been a fan of games based on the ideal of "lets put alot of half-arsed broken pyshics into one game, slap some cursing, sex, and violence on it and SELL MILLIONS".
Over-rated. Crackdown is a much better sandbox game. So is Saints Row. The shooting mechanics aren't CRAP like they are in GTA, also you create your own character and you aren't a slave to some slap-faced-HBO series rip-off story-line. People have only ever been amused by the repetitive crap play of GTA games simply because its rap as being "OOH SO BRUTAL, SO FEISTY, SO 'MATURE'", when in reality it does nothing new and borrows everything it does do from other games and recreates it very poorly.
Also, in games like Crackdown you have super powers. Not to mention the new Hulk game coming out, as well as Prototype. I'll use those games to fulfill my NEED for sandbox.
GTA just doesn't scream anything exciting to me.
Wow dude, I don't know if I've actually seen a more ignorant post on here before. Bashing GTA for use of sex, violence, and cursing, then praising Saints Row and Crackdown. I love when idiots contradict themselves, but you make it so much easier by doing it all in one post (in case I need to spell it out, Saints Row had about the same amount of violence, sex, and cursing as any GTA). As I said on a previous post, your commenting on GTA's supposed "rip-off story-line" is pretty dumb, especially as it shows how ignorant you are to all the sources GTA pulls from by solely mentioning HBO. Let me guess, you really think Sopranos is the only story these games pull from? How about Goodfellas, Casino, Godfather, SCARFACE, Boys in tha Hood, Menace 2 Society, Miami Vice, and allhe other countless classics it is paying homage and respect to, not copying. It's also called satire. Look it up on dictionary.com.
As far as it "borrowing everything it does from other games and recreating it poorly"? Good god dude, how old were you when GTA III came out? You must have still been watching some Sunday Morning Cartoons, because there was no game that had even near the level of sandbox and open ended feel of GTA III. GTA did not copy and steal from other games. It was the original and the king of sand-box, and everything since then has copied from it.
Oh, and your ability to take something from last gen and compare it to something from this gen when talking about physics and shooting mechanics? Come on, how desperate to make a point do you have to be? All those things you complained about and touted the new games for? Guess what? GTA IV officially blows the games you talked about out of the water with their new physics engine and shooting mechanic. And again with the contradictions. Don't even complain of the so-called repetitiveness of GTA, then even mention Saints Row or especially Crackdown in a positive light. Crackdown was possibly the most repetitive sand box game I've ever played.
So don't bring any more attention to yourself, as you just come of dumb, out to pick a fight, or just as ignorant as all the crappy politicians and news reporters slamming this game without even intelligently arguing or knowing what they are talking about. Yours is not a question of preference like bond21 (who's opinion I actually respect in here), but one of blind slandering.
So to put it in bullet points for you, and make sure I kill the exact points you made, here is where you are wrong and GTA IV is so much greater than any of the crap sandbox games you tout:
-Deepest and most intricate storyline of any of the open-ended, sandbox games out there
-Much improved shooting mechanic (better than Crackdown and Saints Row combined)
-Much improved physics engine (agian, better than Crackdown and Saints Row combined)
-Improved driving mechanic (yet again... ah forget it)
-Largest, most intricately detailed, and beautifully rendered of the sandbox games of this generation
-A much more believable living, breathing city around you at all times of the day
-The level of biting satire that GTA has always brought, and no other has come close to (looking at you Saints Row and Crackdown)
-Helicopters and motorcycles
-More realism than the other two mentioned (I just don't feel like typing the names out anymore)
-A richer, fuller side experience with the establishing of relationships, use of nightlife and hang outs, and dare I say it? Emotional depth.
Last note. All the so-called "Brutal, Feisty, and Mature" crap you're talking about is the same trash that comes out of ignorant politicians mouths. There is absolutely nothing in the scripted storyline that is any more violent or depraved than what has been in any number of crime movies over the last two decades. The only thing that makes it such a big deal with the violence is what people will do when given the free will to do anything they want, which I might add they can do in any of the alternate titles you mentioned. So shove it. You have officially been proven stupid.
'Nuff said.
[QUOTE="blindsided82"][QUOTE="AguFightingOxy"]Not me! NOT ME! Never been a fan of games based on the ideal of "lets put alot of half-arsed broken pyshics into one game, slap some cursing, sex, and violence on it and SELL MILLIONS".
Over-rated. Crackdown is a much better sandbox game. So is Saints Row. The shooting mechanics aren't CRAP like they are in GTA, also you create your own character and you aren't a slave to some slap-faced-HBO series rip-off story-line. People have only ever been amused by the repetitive crap play of GTA games simply because its rap as being "OOH SO BRUTAL, SO FEISTY, SO 'MATURE'", when in reality it does nothing new and borrows everything it does do from other games and recreates it very poorly.
Also, in games like Crackdown you have super powers. Not to mention the new Hulk game coming out, as well as Prototype. I'll use those games to fulfill my NEED for sandbox.
GTA just doesn't scream anything exciting to me.
Wow dude, I don't know if I've actually seen a more ignorant post on here before. Bashing GTA for use of sex, violence, and cursing, then praising Saints Row and Crackdown. I love when idiots contradict themselves, but you make it so much easier by doing it all in one post (in case I need to spell it out, Saints Row had about the same amount of violence, sex, and cursing as any GTA). As I said on a previous post, your commenting on GTA's supposed "rip-off story-line" is pretty dumb, especially as it shows how ignorant you are to all the sources GTA pulls from by solely mentioning HBO. Let me guess, you really think Sopranos is the only story these games pull from? How about Goodfellas, Casino, Godfather, SCARFACE, Boys in tha Hood, Menace 2 Society, Miami Vice, and allhe other countless classics it is paying homage and respect to, not copying. It's also called satire. Look it up on dictionary.com.
As far as it "borrowing everything it does from other games and recreating it poorly"? Good god dude, how old were you when GTA III came out? You must have still been watching some Sunday Morning Cartoons, because there was no game that had even near the level of sandbox and open ended feel of GTA III. GTA did not copy and steal from other games. It was the original and the king of sand-box, and everything since then has copied from it.
Oh, and your ability to take something from last gen and compare it to something from this gen when talking about physics and shooting mechanics? Come on, how desperate to make a point do you have to be? All those things you complained about and touted the new games for? Guess what? GTA IV officially blows the games you talked about out of the water with their new physics engine and shooting mechanic. And again with the contradictions. Don't even complain of the so-called repetitiveness of GTA, then even mention Saints Row or especially Crackdown in a positive light. Crackdown was possibly the most repetitive sand box game I've ever played.
So don't bring any more attention to yourself, as you just come of dumb, out to pick a fight, or just as ignorant as all the crappy politicians and news reporters slamming this game without even intelligently arguing or knowing what they are talking about. Yours is not a question of preference like bond21 (who's opinion I actually respect in here), but one of blind slandering.
So to put it in bullet points for you, and make sure I kill the exact points you made, here is where you are wrong and GTA IV is so much greater than any of the crap sandbox games you tout:
-Deepest and most intricate storyline of any of the open-ended, sandbox games out there
-Much improved shooting mechanic (better than Crackdown and Saints Row combined)
-Much improved physics engine (agian, better than Crackdown and Saints Row combined)
-Improved driving mechanic (yet again... ah forget it)
-Largest, most intricately detailed, and beautifully rendered of the sandbox games of this generation
-A much more believable living, breathing city around you at all times of the day
-The level of biting satire that GTA has always brought, and no other has come close to (looking at you Saints Row and Crackdown)
-Helicopters and motorcycles
-More realism than the other two mentioned (I just don't feel like typing the names out anymore)
-A richer, fuller side experience with the establishing of relationships, use of nightlife and hang outs, and dare I say it? Emotional depth.
Last note. All the so-called "Brutal, Feisty, and Mature" crap you're talking about is the same trash that comes out of ignorant politicians mouths. There is absolutely nothing in the scripted storyline that is any more violent or depraved than what has been in any number of crime movies over the last two decades. The only thing that makes it such a big deal with the violence is what people will do when given the free will to do anything they want, which I might add they can do in any of the alternate titles you mentioned. So shove it. You have officially been proven stupid.
'Nuff said.
Lol, dude, ever heared of a quick reply? I mean, look how long each of your messages are! Lmao!
Sorry dude, I tend to rant when around morons. I get a little *too* opinionated I guess.
Not me; I've never supported the series. I guess it's where I draw the line with video game violence and my need to submerse myself in it. Violence against monsters/aliens is fine for me; violence in a military setting is also OK; I guest it's the chaotic violence for the sake of violence that repells me. It's a fine line, but it's one I choose to draw.
While your opinion is your opinion I just want to point out something that it seems both yourself and Jack Thompson don't seem to understand. The reason GTA is popular is NOT because of the violence, it's because of the incredible freedom you are given. You can do the storyline, do races, just go exploring, go play some pool, just drive around and listen to tunes, and of course go on a rampage. I'd consider the majority of fps's far more violent than GTA
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