Why is everyone dissing Modern Warfare 2? There is a reason why it has 25 million users!
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1. Who is everyone?
2. Everyone has the right to an opinion anyway.
In the forum which talks about the new MW2 dlc, it seems 98% of the people are bored with Modern Warfare 2 and are completely dissing it. I know everyone has a right to an opinion but that doesn't mean they can diss games.1. Who is everyone?
2. Everyone has the right to an opinion anyway.
In the forum which talks about the new MW2 dlc, it seems 98% of the people are bored with Modern Warfare 2 and are completely dissing it. I know everyone has a right to an opinion but that doesn't mean they can diss games. I disagree MW2 is not getting boringYou think those 25 millions knew a lot about it before they played it? No. So after people have played it, they can hate it as much as they do. Fail. Also, why do we get all these stupid threads worried that people don't like MW2, it's not the holy grail, 'nuff said.Why is everyone dissing Modern Warfare 2? There is a reason why it has 25 million users!
I played for a few hours(not on my account, this was before I had Live. I played with one of my friends) and I couldn't stand playing anymore. The most unbalanced, glitch-infested excuse for a game I've ever played.
MW2 is stil fun but there's just quite a few balance issues. Sure the glitches have been fixed but that' s still not going to take away some of the imbalances and stuff I just don't like.
- 1 burst killing weapons
-akimbo weaponary such as Rafickas and shotguns
- no juggernaut meaning no counter to stopping power
- people abusing noobtubes and explosives combined with Danger close and scanvenger (or one man army)
- Tactical knifers
- shoguns having ridiculous ammo and, or range
Stuff I don't like
-Penetration system is reduced to garbage
- maps don't allow you to use smg's effectivley
- the order in which you unlock perks
- the order in which you unlock weapons (M16 should be last)
- the fact you can't have claymores and grenades or a blast shield and grenades
- shotguns as secondary weapons
Q: Why diss MW2?
A: It is a great game that is so completely weighed down with really stupid problems that after you prestige the fun slowly leaks out until you just realize BF:BC2 has more to offer.
Examples: Joining Match in progress is not and never will be a good idea. I mean, half the time you join a match and immediately spawn under an AC130 or Chopper Gunner. Or you join a match, spawn, die and the game ends. That is crap. It amazes me that Infinity Ward even allows Win/Loss ratios to be tracked since they put so many players through that.
Also, You have weapons, like the ACR assault rifle or the Vector submachine gun, that have virtually NO recoil and almost sniper accuracy. Why in the hell does the game even have Snipers when you can outsnipe them with a machine gun?
Killstreaks. Nuff said. It isn't that they are overpowered, but they are so amazingly cheap. Like the Nuke, which is basically IW's wa of saying 'Don't worry Elitists! You don't have to play objective games properly! Camp it out and get 11 kills, then the Chopper gunner will score you the free win!'. Killstreaks like the Chopper Gunner and AC130 are pretty much jokes too. Even a purely average player like myself never gets less than 10 kills with it.
Cheating. Sure, you don't see guys firing chopper gunner rounds out of the P90 outside of hacked lobbies nowadays, but I don't have enouh limbs on my body to count the numer of boosters and glitchers you can find. I needn't say more on that, anyone who has played the game longer then a week has seen one.
Then, the reason I personally talk down on it, is that the game no longer feels like it takes any real personal skill to win. I have been able to successfully average 30 kills a match in deathmatch, even playing with randoms. Normally that would have me stoked about the game, but face it. Things like Runner class builds, heartbeat sensors, thermal sights, 1887's and the very existance of Commando make the game require MUCH less skill then the leading competitor, Battlefield: Bad Company 2.
Anyone reading my post should take this advice: If you are, as I was, feeling that MW2 is just getting old, that is because it IS getting old. We put up with BS balancing problems that shouldn't exist every time we play. If you are suffering from this, buy Bad Company 2. You will like Bad Company 2 a great deal, it is hard to hate it.
TL;DR - Is MW2 bad? No. But it has far too many problems to stay interesting for long.
1. Who is everyone?
2. Everyone has the right to an opinion anyway.
In the forum which talks about the new MW2 dlc, it seems 98% of the people are bored with Modern Warfare 2 and are completely dissing it. I know everyone has a right to an opinion but that doesn't mean they can diss games. LOL what??? "Everyone has a right to an opinion but that doesn't mean they can diss games." One of the more ridiculous statements I've come across on these forums. Of course people can insult games they don't like.You forgot to mention these imbalances:MW2 is stil fun but there's just quite a few balance issues. Sure the glitches have been fixed but that' s still not going to take away some of the imbalances and stuff I just don't like.
- 1 burst killing weapons
-akimbo weaponary such as Rafickas and shotguns
- no juggernaut meaning no counter to stopping power
- people abusing noobtubes and explosives combined with Danger close and scanvenger (or one man army)
- Tactical knifers
- shoguns having ridiculous ammo and, or range
Stuff I don't like
-Penetration system is reduced to garbage
- maps don't allow you to use smg's effectivley
- the order in which you unlock perks
- the order in which you unlock weapons (M16 should be last)
- the fact you can't have claymores and grenades or a blast shield and grenades
- shotguns as secondary weapons
-Painkiller is strong enough to be a killstreak, but instead the game awards people for sucking with it.
-Chopper Gunner and AC130 thuroughly abuse the already poor spawn system.
-The map Rust exists.
I think MW2 is a great game but the reapawns are completely broken especially on Terminal, I disliked most of the maps and don't even have a favorite, and it was full of glitches. It left a bad taste in my mouth that wont go away and I'm not going back to the game.
Edit: The respawns are so terrible that I was going 10-0 but I died once and within ten-seconds I died three more times.. They kept respawning me near Point A on Terminal even though the enemy was everywhere over there.. The respawns on Terminal are basically legendary for being the worst in the game.
[QUOTE="Murj"]In the forum which talks about the new MW2 dlc, it seems 98% of the people are bored with Modern Warfare 2 and are completely dissing it. I know everyone has a right to an opinion but that doesn't mean they can diss games.1. Who is everyone?
2. Everyone has the right to an opinion anyway.
1. Yes it does. Because they're just stating their opinion.
2. Don't get offended if people knock MW2, people are always knocking something. As long as you play and enjoy the game, other opinions don't really matter.
1. Who is everyone?
2. Everyone has the right to an opinion anyway.
In the forum which talks about the new MW2 dlc, it seems 98% of the people are bored with Modern Warfare 2 and are completely dissing it. I know everyone has a right to an opinion but that doesn't mean they can diss games. I for one am bored with it.MW2 is stil fun but there's just quite a few balance issues. Sure the glitches have been fixed but that' s still not going to take away some of the imbalances and stuff I just don't like.
- 1 burst killing weapons
-akimbo weaponary such as Rafickas and shotguns
- no juggernaut meaning no counter to stopping power
- people abusing noobtubes and explosives combined with Danger close and scanvenger (or one man army)
- Tactical knifers
- shoguns having ridiculous ammo and, or range
Stuff I don't like
-Penetration system is reduced to garbage
- maps don't allow you to use smg's effectivley
- the order in which you unlock perks
- the order in which you unlock weapons (M16 should be last)
- the fact you can't have claymores and grenades or a blast shield and grenades
- shotguns as secondary weapons
Pretty much sums it up.
Just going to add whats bad.
Kill streaks
Nuke boosting
1. Who is everyone?
2. Everyone has the right to an opinion anyway.
In the forum which talks about the new MW2 dlc, it seems 98% of the people are bored with Modern Warfare 2 and are completely dissing it. I know everyone has a right to an opinion but that doesn't mean they can diss games. Wait so we can't say what we don't like about a game now? News to me :shock:1. Who is everyone?
2. Everyone has the right to an opinion anyway.
In the forum which talks about the new MW2 dlc, it seems 98% of the people are bored with Modern Warfare 2 and are completely dissing it. I know everyone has a right to an opinion but that doesn't mean they can diss games. Wait so we can't say what we don't like about a game now? News to me :shock: I still like the gameof course people have a right to diss a game as much as they want, thats called giving an opinion. i do think people may be a little to harsh with the game but the problems with the game def. are pretty bad and annoying
I was going to quote some people on here talking about MW2's balance issues and glitch fest but there were too many good arguments so I'd rather not quote any for fear of leaving a great one out.
MW2's campaign was fun albeit short. The multiplayer is a beta. Completely rushed game. Once I get the money, I'm getting BFBC2 - the demo of this blew the whole retail MW2 out of the water IMO.
- shoguns having ridiculous ammo and, or range
- shotguns as secondary weapons
Those two killed the fun for me...
Very true. I see constant MW2 hate posts, and I couldn't care less about them. I love the game. It has it's problems, most definitely, and I hate those problems, but I still love the game, regardless of what somebody tells me to think.As long as you play and enjoy the game, other opinions don't really matter.
MW2 (or "Cod Mod 2 as some or my irritating mates call it) is an excellant game - there is no denying it. Like any other game it has it's flaws but it's still good enough to have millions of players and get high ratings on Gamespot. That said, I've always been a BF fan (I played all the games) so I have not played MW2 since BF: Bad Company 2 came out. A much better game (in my oppinion) because you can drive all the vehicles and teamplay is naturally inherant - spawning on your squadmates and class abilities - much more up my street.
The article "A Changing Battlefield" in the latest issue of Game Informer details exactly what my reasons for "dissing" are. It's about time that a game reviewer summarized the myriad problems MW2 has had and how they could have easily been avoided (BETA!) - I've been saying this since about 3 weeks after the game was released when all my patience had exhausted - by then I had decided to never ever buy another game in the series and to avoid products made by the responsible parties. They released a criminally broken online mp and they should be made to suffer for it, otherwise it will set a "we can get away with it" standard. What really peeved me off was how virtually NO game reviewers spoke up about this, the few articles industry sites have published were all linked to user made posts and youtube videos, which gave the distinct impression that game reviewers were too afraid, or too hopelessly biased, to criticize the game, which irks me no end and left me with a really bad impression of game reviewers.albatrossdrums
Spot on, my friend.
MW2 (or "Cod Mod 2 as some or my irritating mates call it) is an excellant game - there is no denying it. Like any other game it has it's flaws but it's still good enough to have millions of players and get high ratings on Gamespot. That said, I've always been a BF fan (I played all the games) so I have not played MW2 since BF: Bad Company 2 came out. A much better game (in my oppinion) because you can drive all the vehicles and teamplay is naturally inherant - spawning on your squadmates and class abilities - much more up my street.
As far as the multiplayer goes, do you think that it's better than MW2? Because I was debating whether or not to get this game because I'm usually pretty hesitant about buying military shooters.
Why is everyone dissing Modern Warfare 2? There is a reason why it has 25 million users!
When Modern Warfare 2 came out I loved it, played the hell out of it, got bored of it, and finally stopped playing it. With Bad Company 2 out now Modern Warfare 2 may never see the inside of my 360 ever again. But with that being said i'm playing Bad Company 2 at a much slower pace so hopefully I won't get bored of it anytime soon. Oh and I voted "yes" in the poll, Modern Warfare 2 wasfun.
Plus PC, 360, and ps3!
I have it, gone over it now. Kind of dull to me now. Plus I even like COd 4 so much I pre-ordered it.
I think it is still a lot of fun, granted the maps are getting old but the new ones will help. The only thing I really don't like is the melee. Sometimes the game feels like the international sprint and stab biathlon. I am interested in BC 2 though, it looks more tactical is this correct?
I know everyone has a right to an opinion but that doesn't mean they can diss games.Blobstone
I kinda feel you contradicted yourself here, dissing is part of people's opinion on said games. Every single games as haters but let them hate. If you enjoy the game then keep playing it and don't bother with the haters.
I like cod4 better compared to mw2 because cod4 had better maps and less gun customization so most games were more about map strategy rather than who was using what gun.
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