The game was far from perfect, but firefight was cool and the campaign was pretty fun. Also, I hadn't bought any of the map packs so It was a good deal for me. Was it the lack of content or the game itself that pissed people off?
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The game was far from perfect, but firefight was cool and the campaign was pretty fun. Also, I hadn't bought any of the map packs so It was a good deal for me. Was it the lack of content or the game itself that pissed people off?
its a great game...plenty of contentThe game was far from perfect, but firefight was cool and the campaign was pretty fun. Also, I hadn't bought any of the map packs so It was a good deal for me. Was it the lack of content or the game itself that pissed people off?
I also enjoyed it, it was good to play as someone other than a Spartan. It also featured a lot of content and was well worth it's price.
I thought the campaign was lame. I haven't even finished it yet. The first time I bought something just because of the damn commercial.
i think people complain more about price of them game because whats new is the single player and from the beginning it was noted as a expansion and that's what bungie wanted it to be but Microsoft made it a full me the 60 bucks was worth it
personally i think odst campaign was (one) of the best in the series.
While I liked ODST, I felt that anyone who already owned all the Halo 3 map packs (such as myself) got a bit ripped off. The game while fun was a glorified expansion pack at full price. Firefight was great...cept that it was incomplete. No matchmaking for it really killed the feature for me. I never once was able to get a full group to play the mode. As I only personally knew 2 other people who bought the game.
All in all I did enjoy the game. I just felt that MS took advantage of the Halo fanbase by charging full price for a 5 hour campaign, a barebones Firefight mode, and 3 new multiplayer maps. That amount of content would cost about 25-30 dollars on the XBL marketplace.
First of all it was Microsoft that set the prices. Bungie had no say so in it. Halo haters and non Halo fans were the main ones complaining about the short campaign to the $60 cost. but in reality you get all the MP maps and firefight that extend the replayability.
For me, games are first and foremost about gameplay and as gameplay goes it was too much like halo 3, which I also didn't care for as much as Halo 1 or 2. If you haven't noticed, a lot of the people that like Reach, such as myself, will mention the fact that it plays more like halo 1. In terms of gameplay, I just like halo reach and halo 1 better than I do halo 3 or ODST. As far as story goes, ODST's story didn't really blow me away either. And finally, the $60 price was the final nail in the coffin so to speak as to why I really dislike ODST versus just thinking it was an okay game.
For me, I guess it was just a combination of all of those factors.
Normally game fans won't care if other people don't like their favourite game. It doesn't stop their enjoyment. But halo fans are way to "elite" for that. If they even get the slight hint that someone else in the world doesn't like their precious franchise they go mental. Like rabid animals. They just have to moan and they forget that not everyone in the world wants to make love to Masterchief. The people who don't like the series get accused of hating it just for the sake of it, which shows how immature the fans moaning really are. MystikRexWay to go with the mini tirade that has nothing relevant to add to the discussion at hand. But seriously- the 'hop/skip' storyline was frustrating to me because it destroyed any sense of how long it took to complete the mission. Also, I expected something more fierce out of the legendary OD Shock Troops.
most of the haters are the normal people who have a vendetta against the mainstream and want to insult halo even though they never played it... There are some however who just didnt like the way the story was told and such, as halo games go it was a radical departure from the norm and some people didnt like itpenpusher
not true the only reason that game exist is because of halo sucess
[QUOTE="MystikRex"]Normally game fans won't care if other people don't like their favourite game. It doesn't stop their enjoyment. But halo fans are way to "elite" for that. If they even get the slight hint that someone else in the world doesn't like their precious franchise they go mental. Like rabid animals. They just have to moan and they forget that not everyone in the world wants to make love to Masterchief. The people who don't like the series get accused of hating it just for the sake of it, which shows how immature the fans moaning really are. El_Zo1212oWay to go with the mini tirade that has nothing relevant to add to the discussion at hand. But seriously- the 'hop/skip' storyline was frustrating to me because it destroyed any sense of how long it took to complete the mission. Also, I expected something more fierce out of the legendary OD Shock Troops. WhatEl_Zo1212osaid. And people talking about 5 hour campaign.. Im pretty sure it took me longer than that I was playing on Heroic and it seems like it took longer than that.
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