Listen am fine that the games are not rated mature because am not 17 yet but am also confused. Like for instance GRAW2 has curses guns that look and sound real(if you got an HDTV and surround sound). So why is it that most games like NFS Carbon rated E for everyone but it says it alson says violnce on the box, how is racing four cars at a time violent? This is not a question that you can really answer unless you make and judge games, but it's a question that should make you wonder.
ESRB most likely has some sort of written criteria which designates how things are rated the same way the MPAA does. I don't know what those criteria are exactly for the ESRB but the MPAA has certain rules like women with small breats can be on screen longer then women with larger breasts and the film will still not recieve an R rating. I would imagine the same thing applies to ESRB.
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