Xbox live's community is so bad I mean the community of the world is bad too much worse then xbox live to be exact.
Look at how much war, lies, and ignorance is in the world.
I am not surprised the people get called racial slurs or girls get the label as the person that can't play video games as males and what not. It's how the world is and it won't stop any time soon well at least not in a million years.
Other reason why Xbox live's community is so bad is because of curiousity.
Let me get this point across. I am guess that at least half of the whiners, or mean people on Xbox live aren't mean or act that way in real life. Come on no one calls you a noob when you forgot where you parked your car at the mall?
These people just do it to get a quick laugh or not feel as bad about themselves.
Other reason why Xbox live's community is bad is reverse bullying. Say a person is making fun of you because they are "owning" you. Then you get your friends and start "owning" this said person and then it becomes this huge fight. Then you go on Gamespot or what not and tell random people to file a complaint on someone they have never interacted with.
The point of this post is to not say why is Xbox live's community so bad and what not. The community of the world is bad so why not Xbox live?
P.S. I just want to share a sad story with you people. Okay a while back about a week when Grand theft Auto came out I played multiplayer.
I was playing by myself and it was free mode. A person joined and he started killing (he didn't know it was free mode). So he starts ya know "owning" people and declaring it. So the people in the lobby get frustrated so they start taunting him.
Saying racial slurs and what not really horrible ones for no absolute reason. Then they decide to kick him saying things like boot the _________ things of that matter.
Now I don't know how old this guy was but he started crying over his mic. He had been in the game for about 30 minutes. How can a person be labeled bad if they cry at their own fault?
I don't get it all I know is that Xbox Live's community isn't bad you are (anyone that provokes another said player).
P.S. I probably one two people will give their opinion about this but that will just show how many people that are on Xbox Live to not "own" people and judge people. Just my 2 cents have a nice day happy gaming.
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