There has been alot of talk recently on the forums by gamers disapointed by the fact that treyarch is developing COD5, because COD3 was so much lower in quality than the previous entrys in the series. There is no denying that COD3 was a huge disapointment, but after playing it, it was hard to tell what was so bad about it. The controls were solid, the graphics were decent, and the level design was the same linier design as in all other COD games.
I think that the problem with it was just the general lack of consideration for the gamer. For instance, everytime you wanted to play, or even replay a level it made you waste 3-5 minutes watching a boring cutscene which you had already seen before, wereas in COD2 and COD4, the story was briefly explained in the loading screens, and you could easly skip them once the game had finished load. I think that Infinity Ward just understands what gamers want more than treyarch, which reflexts in each companys interations in the sieries.
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