I decieded to pick up skate today since i had fun with the demo. Now, for the life of me, I can;t get into the game! I dont know why! I really want to. Iv'e played a fair share of both mp and sp.
Its not for everybody, Simply put. I personally love it.. no im not a skater in real life, and yes I enjoy how its more realistic. I could not get into the tony hawk games but find this to be alot of fun.
cause there's barely more to it than what the demo offers maybe? just bigger map and more challeneges. i havent played the full game my self and i doubt ill be bored with it tho :D
What i found out from the demo was that if you play TH before the learning curve for this game is very hard. but once you play the demo enought times you feel like you accomplished something when you do a cool trick. unlike TH that you can do almost any trick right of the bat, is very repetetive and you will find yourself you grinding most of the times to get a high a very very high combo.
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