I prefer IW as well but to say Treyarch does nothing to make the game better is ridiculous. If anything, IW does nothing to improve on CoD4 while Trey did a TON to make WaW better. 4 player co-op, something CoD4 doesn't do at all and even MW2 only has 2 player co-op. Nazi Zombies gamemode. Even if IW adds some type of terrorist zombies modeor something to MW2, it was still Trey that added it to the CoD playlist. 3, 3, mappacks for WaW with each pack having 3 multiplayer maps and adding another nazi zombies map just for fun. CoD4 was out for a year before WaW launched and it still only has 1 mappack.
Actually fixing problems. Noobtubes and team killing was out of control in both games. Only WaW has been fixed. Team killers get penalized in WaW by getting kicked out. CoD4 still does nothing to stop or even punish them. Noobtubes now have a delay so people can't start the match launching them across the boards, and bettieshave been fixed so they don't go off behind walls. IW basically abandoned CoD4 problems.
IW has done a great job with what they started in the CoD franchise. But people need to stop acting like Treyarch does nothing. They pick on Trey because they're tired of WWII shooters, not for any other reason. Because anyone that can't see that Trey improved the CopD series with WaW is just plain dumb. Because i guarantee that when MW2 launches, IW will use and implement many of Treyarchs additions from WaW to MW2. And then of course everyone will say how great IW is again.
You sir are misinformed. The reason Call of Duty never had co-op until now is because call of duty is not a co-op game. There is a reason CoD4 has only one map pack, thats because thats all they needed. WaW needs three maps packs to keep it interesting. Map packs aren't free btw they general are 10 dollars each so technically WaW would cost you 90 bucks while MW would have cost 70 (or 60 in the GOTY).
The other major issue with WaW was the just copy and pasted virtual everything. They used the Modern Warfare engine and used the same old WWII story that we have all played/learned about 3000 times now. I know, I know they made flame throw, so basically all the added a gun that shot a column of fire.
Oh, yeah and btw Nazi Zombie is probably the dumbest idea ever, true Horde-ish game types can be addicting, but if they had any creativity on there team they would have given 4-5 players a small plot of land, with decent cover and just threw wave after wave of normal Nazi's after you. They could have had tanks, soliders and everything in between. but nope they stuck with Zombies
You cant call someone misinformed when your one and only source happens to be your own opinion.
And I pretty much disagree with you on everything you say, first off i dont care what game it is without a fluent release of dlc it gets old.
Secondly you say that waw cost 90 while mw cost 70 but you don't acknowledge the fact that you get more with cod waw for the extra 30 dollars. Waw has way more multiplayer maps and nazi zombie maps, it also has 4 person co op.
Third (yes waw is very similar to cod 4) but every game since the first one has been similar.
And fourth you cant call something dumb that is an opinon and an opinion is useless in an arguement/debate. (your still wrong on that too tho nazi zombies owns.)
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