Never played it, just wondering.
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I love the game also. It just got really popular, so the cool thing to do was hate it. Yeah it has its flaws, but what game doesn't?
The series is amazing, COD4 is one of the best games ever, the reasons people dont like MW2 soo much as COD4 are:
- It makes people angry as hell (dont know why exactly, but it just does)
- The online community fails, it is noob infested and it is full of idiots that are racist little kids that swear at everything and argue + insult everyone.
- The maps are set up in a way that means u get attacked from every angle which mess's up tactics etc. and just encourages campers and Run & Gun.
- Theres no rewarding feel when u do well, as there will always someone (angry noob) that will insult u and say your rubbish (even if u beat them over and over again(actualy beating noobs that say your bad does feel rewarding & makes me laugh at there foolishness))
- The respawn system is critisised by some people (but it isnt too bad most of the time).
- It just doesnt feel like it was made for the hardcore fans and more like it was made for the noobs to make as much money as they possible could.
But dont get me wrong it is a great game (looks amazing, great visuals, good campaign, good online) but it does lack a few things and there are a few problems.
(But COD4 is far better than any other modern FPS i know)
I have no problem with the series, i have loved that series since CoD 2 and i think its fun to play and even better with friends. but there are also many ways to get annoyed. I think the main reason is the really cocky players, who seem to think that fighting with someone over a video game is cool
Stating that MW2 is hated because it's popular is non-sense.
So I can't dislike it because it has less players per match than it's predecessor?
Or that there are boosters in my favorite game modes and IW has done nothing to fix it?
Or that a shotgun could kill you from halfway across the map?
I think these are legitimate reasons that have NOTHING to do with the game being popular or not.
Stating that MW2 is hated because it's popular is non-sense.
So I can't dislike it because it has less players per match than it's predecessor?
Or that there are boosters in my favorite game modes and IW has done nothing to fix it?
Or that a shotgun could kill you from halfway across the map?
I think these are legitimate reasons that have NOTHING to do with the game being popular or not.
Exactly, most people have legitimate reasons.
I am not going say my reasons for disliking it. I have said it too many times.
MW2 threads have to stop. People need to learn to use the search function...
It is fun sometimes, gets boring quickly, but it is really unbalanced and noob friendly in terms of online.
Stop making these threads!
First thread I have made like this.
But almost every other user has made one. Look at the forum search first
I think some critics like to just hate good games, i mean it's been 2 titles only and both were good, i don't know why they hate it either, some said that the series were weairng out(don't kow why they said that either?)
Wow, I don't hate any of those games.:| how do you miss the sarcasm? :|[QUOTE="chaoscougar1"]seems that 'everyone' hates every single popular game that was ever released; Halo, Gears, Oblivion, Fallout, Mass Effect we all hate them damn it! (i do fall into the category of 'everyone' dont i?mitu123
The series became extremely popular with both hardcore and casual gamers, to the point that it became cooler to bash it. There are also those who overplayed it for three months straight, confusing the fact that they're sick of the series with it being a bad game.Englando_IV
This, pretty much. Some gamers have a short attention span. When a game's new, it's the best thing ever until something else comes out.
Stating that MW2 is hated because it's popular is non-sense.
So I can't dislike it because it has less players per match than it's predecessor?
Or that there are boosters in my favorite game modes and IW has done nothing to fix it?
Or that a shotgun could kill you from halfway across the map?
I think these are legitimate reasons that have NOTHING to do with the game being popular or not.
Exactly, most people have legitimate reasons.
I am not going say my reasons for disliking it. I have said it too many times.
MW2 threads have to stop. People need to learn to use the search function...
I can't add anything to this, except the fact that they released the game without beta testing the multiplayer and haven't been able to keep up with the bugs/cheats and exploits since day one as a result. And frankly they gave the impression that they simply did not care enough to bother - all they seemed to care about was getting it in stores on release day and making a mint. What amazed me most was how virtually the entire game reviewing industry gave it a free pass and did not even report on the myriad problems until it had already become a big joke on youtube, and even then they did little to report anything themselves except post links to videos gamers had uploaded showing all the problems. Sorry but to suggest the only reason some people have taken a strong dislike to the game is because it is popular is childish poppycock.There's that, but its also a victim of its own hype. People talked it up, like it was going to be the greatest thing since oxygen. And in the end it was just more CoD, that isn't a bad thing depending on your outlook. But I think alot of people took to the hype, rushed out and bought it on launch day because it was the cool thing to do and was disappointed that it wasn't the best and most perfect game ever.I love the game also. It just got really popular, so the cool thing to do was hate it. Yeah it has its flaws, but what game doesn't?
The XBL community in general is pretty bad.It's just that everybody is always dogging it and saying how bad the community is.
What are you talking about?:shock: Everyone love mw2 and mw1:D
Not everyone loves MW2 & MW1, because I don't. I played the older COD games and prefer those to the new ones :) I don't know why, but I just do
*started crying... becoz of the next MW2 thread*
I... eee..... plz just stop making them.
(btw. i like that game.)
I like the game, and I play it on a casual basis. But some things annoy me, which might also be some of the reasons many others dislike it too. After playing a few rounds, I often think to myself "Why do I keep playing this?" Since I sometimes get the urge to play the game despite these flaws, it has to be a good game in my opinion, doesn't it?
1. Camping. There are campers EVERYWHERE!
2. Killstreaks. Campers suddenly get a plane flying above everyone's heads that blasts them off. Yay.
3. Poor spawning system. Spawning randomly on the map isn't always a good thing. It's fun spawning right behind an enemy and just shoot him in the neck, but the opposite thing isn't as fun. That is, spawning right IN FRONT of an enemy that shoots YOUR neck.
most people complain because the M16A4 is too overpowering, im not gonna lie it is, but hardly anyone uses it, and the maps are campers paradise, but everyone knows the camper spots and the campers die fairly quickly, also the spawn system is crap, ive seen people spawn right in front of me before
most people complain because the M16A4 is too overpowering, im not gonna lie it is, but hardly anyone uses it, and the maps are campers paradise, but everyone knows the camper spots and the campers die fairly quickly, also the spawn system is crap, ive seen people spawn right in front of me before
hardy anyone uses the M16A4, because there not good enough with it and instead use there fully auotomatic guns cuz all they have to do is hold down the trigger, without using any skill at all (the noobs(not that everyone that uses automatic guns are noobs though))
guys stop bothering the guy about this topic, so what if there are a lot of MW2 topics, this guy seems to be fairly new to GS so leave him alone (i made a load of random topics when i first came on here(lol, still do sometimes))
the people that say " they only hate the game cuz they suck at it" are the losers running around noob tubing/ commando knifing
i havent played it for a couple of weeks so im probably a bit rubbish again atm, but i love it, i hate some aspects of it but its not the game itself, its the people who take advantage of it and flaunt nooby things. there is an aspect of the game feeling like its only there to make some rich people richer, because of the map pack and the fact that its the latest in a long running franchise. people are bound to hate it.
People don't like the game because the fact of the matter is it is inherently broken. The problems with the game are not surface problems like an unbalanced gun or a small glitch, but a flawed core which shows itself in terrible gameplay. The first issue is that the game lacks a single good map. We will never see these maps again in future games because all, and I mean all of them, are very broken or unbalanced in one way or another. The second problem comes with the high damage/low health system. This makes every single weapon basically the same. 3 bullets from an assault rifle will kill you and 3 bullets from pistol will kill you; therefore in MW2 an assault rifle = pistol. Killstreaks are another huge issue with the game because they promote camping and slow gameplay. I see nothing wrong with the 3-5-7 killstreaks in CoD4 and WaW, and I actually think they are a great idea. In MW2 having super power killstreaks at 10+ and a nuke at 25 allows people to camp easily because it is beneficial to do so. I used to sit in the corner of Afghan get 5 kills with my sniper rifle then get another 45 with killstreaks. Now, before you say that camping is a legitimate strategy... blah blah blah... I want you to tell me that you love not being able to move around the battlefield out of cover for even a few seconds before someone sitting in a 3rd floor window kills you with 3 shots. MW2 will always be hated because it is truly a bad game. Whilst it looks good on the outside, the broken game mechanics really start to show after a few hours of play.
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