Why is Shenmue 3 going to ps4 and not xbox like shenmue 2
I am not 100% sure but I think it could come to Xbox One if they get sufficient funding from Kickstarter. Haven't been following the progress really, I just remember reading an article a while back.
Basically they don't have the money to produce and release on multiple consoles, they had to do a Kickstarter campaign. I suggest you Google it try to see where they are at.
It's not. The game likely won't launch on this gen consoles, figure it launching 2022 or there about. lol
It's a numbers game. 2x more users on ps4.
If that's the case then why did Shenmue 2 get released on the original Xbox and not the PS2, when the PS2 had way more than 2x the consoles sold compared to the Xbox.
Common sense answer is that Sony & Yu Suzuki had been in talks for over a year about making the third game, they just had to convince Sega to lend Yu the rights for it.
Sony are to tight these days to pay for the game to be made properly, so they are paying for the marketing which is just a way of saying they are paying for console exclusivity, and are relying on the public to foot the bill by getting it done from Kickstarter.
I'm a massive Sega fan and loved the original Shenmue games, but with a fraction of the budget the original games had, i feel this game will be a stain on the series, i hope i'm wrong though.
In the end Sony doesn't care about Shenmue they are just using it as a way to generate buzz and sales for the PS4 which is fine, but they should be using their own franchises for that, and to me at least not drag a series that has nothing to do with them through the mud.
Now i would be saying the same if MS had done the deal the same way. Shenmue to me deserves a big budget sequel or not done at all.
It's a numbers game. 2x more users on ps4.
If that's the case then why did Shenmue 2 get released on the original Xbox and not the PS2, when the PS2 had way more than 2x the consoles sold compared to the Xbox.
Common sense answer is that Sony & Yu Suzuki had been in talks for over a year about making the third game, they just had to convince Sega to lend Yu the rights for it.
Sony are to tight these days to pay for the game to be made properly, so they are paying for the marketing which is just a way of saying they are paying for console exclusivity, and are relying on the public to foot the bill by getting it done from Kickstarter.
I'm a massive Sega fan and loved the original Shenmue games, but with a fraction of the budget the original games had, i feel this game will be a stain on the series, i hope i'm wrong though.
In the end Sony doesn't care about Shenmue they are just using it as a way to generate buzz and sales for the PS4 which is fine, but they should be using their own franchises for that, and to me at least not drag a series that has nothing to do with them through the mud.
Now i would be saying the same if MS had done the deal the same way. Shenmue to me deserves a big budget sequel or not done at all.
SEGA favored the xbox back then, but it's irrelevant now. This is a kickstarter campaign with limited resources, so they need to target effectively. Looks like its coming to ps4 and to one of microsoft's platform, windows, but not to the xbox, which makes sense as those two are the largest platforms.
Doesn't make much sense for sony to bribe them for exclusivity, etc, but the world still gets a windows port. Then again, look at no mans sky. Eh, who knows.
C'mon man you're not that naive are you?
How many Kickstarter projects have the backing of a corporate giant like Sony? also do you think Sony are paying for marketing on this game out of the goodness of their heart, no they're doing it for console exclusivity because Sony sees MS as the main rival in the console space.
I sincerely hope the game turns out to be great and adds to the series, but with the way it's being handled, i see a mess in the making.
C'mon man you're not that naive are you?
How many Kickstarter projects have the backing of a corporate giant like Sony? also do you think Sony are paying for marketing on this game out of the goodness of their heart, no they're doing it for console exclusivity because Sony sees MS as the main rival in the console space.
I sincerely hope the game turns out to be great and adds to the series, but with the way it's being handled, i see a mess in the making.
What's the big deal? To what mess are you referring? It's coming to both a sony and microsoft platform. Looks like the devs just chose the largest ones. Makes sense, doesn't it?
The mess i was referring to is it's low budget in terms to the other 2 games. 6.3 million (which i believe is where the kickstater is at) is a lot of money, but to make a Shenmue game i'm not so sure.
No big deal really was just explaining to you that Sony is not doing marketing just because they can, it's for console exclusivity.
C'mon man you're not that naive are you?
How many Kickstarter projects have the backing of a corporate giant like Sony? also do you think Sony are paying for marketing on this game out of the goodness of their heart, no they're doing it for console exclusivity because Sony sees MS as the main rival in the console space.
I sincerely hope the game turns out to be great and adds to the series, but with the way it's being handled, i see a mess in the making.
What's the big deal? To what mess are you referring? It's coming to both a sony and microsoft platform. Looks like the devs just chose the largest ones. Makes sense, doesn't it?
The mess i was referring to is it's low budget in terms to the other 2 games. 6.3 million (which i believe is where the kickstater is at) is a lot of money, but to make a Shenmue game i'm not so sure.
No big deal really was just explaining to you that Sony is not doing marketing just because they can, it's for console exclusivity.
I get what you're saying, but it's funny that the term "console exclusive" has been created. Not by you, of course. Just an observation.
I believe if a game is on say 7/8 platforms it's still an exclusive because it still excludes one, but it doesn't work that way on here because the lunatics run the asylum lol. I know "console exclusive" is a stupid term, but it's probably the best one to describe the situation.
Because Sony were wise enough to add a decent amount of money to there Kick Starter pledge, plus Sony want it as a exclusive to bring more people to there machine, there may be a time after the PlayStation launch that Shenmue III goes on other platforms besides it could be a timed contract that Xbox One players can get if Microsoft wait a while it happened on the old Xbox it could happen again late next year, peace, Olly Staley 18/09/16.
The likelihood of getting a nice return on an Xbox One port isn't that high. And Sony is part of the reason this game is being made. Just like Nintendo and Bayonetta. Of which platinum games went around to numerous publishers. And Nintendo was the only one really interested.
And in the case someone was interested in Japanese games. It wouldn't make much sense to not have a PS4 lying around. As Japanese developers are in large, not gonna be interested in making games for a dead console in Japan.
This is old news, broski.
The lower sales of the series stopped the trilogy dead in it's tracks for a very long time, so SEGA has to do what SEGA has to do and that sometimes means finding a larger audience in hopes of attracting $$$.
These deals are how the world turns, but on the flipside at least Shenmue III is being made for fans that have waited years.
sony funded the whole game to make it a exclusive game
No they didn't that's why there is a kickstarter for the game. Sony is putting in just enough money for console exclusivity.
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