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Why can't games be like how other items are, priced on quality or something. For example 2 new games come out ODST and Assassins Creed 2, ODST (imo) is worth 20-30$, AC2 however is a deffinate 60$ game. A real life example would be cameras, you don't price 5mp cameras and 10mp cameras at the same price. Basically don't you think that games would be selling more if priced on their quality, but have a peak price of 60, and minimum price can be whatever the developers base the quality of their game on. Well just my opinion, but I think I make a valid point.guitarshr3dd3r
In sweden all games cost 700kr or converted to about 100 dollars. I just dont se why complain about 60, I'd gladly pay that for my games
1. That pricing makes no sense
2. It's priced as entertainment like movies or music
3. Not all games are 60 dollars
Plus if you know how and where to shop you'll knock off a good 10-15 dollars off all games at launch
To Original poster:
Your new here so heres a small tip Ignore this guy, he spends his day (and i mean entire day, notice he has 26000 posts) trying to pick a fight by refuting every post possible...
But I agree with you, they are overpriced, especially because alot of them arent good, and how does his pricing not make sense? It's his opinion and he feels that odst is not worth 60 dollars but ASC2 is..... Does he need factual proof that ODST is not worth 20 dollars to open your eyes for you?
Thanks for the backup ^_^ and I know those big name companies like know for sure that they will sell millions, but what happened to ethics? I mean games should be priced like any other items are. By the value and quality, you wouldnt pay the same price for fake leather shoes like real leather shoes right? and also where is borderlands available for 40? It's probably a deal or something, because the stores here sell it for 60 lol[QUOTE="guitarshr3dd3r"]Why can't games be like how other items are, priced on quality or something. For example 2 new games come out ODST and Assassins Creed 2, ODST (imo) is worth 20-30$, AC2 however is a deffinate 60$ game. A real life example would be cameras, you don't price 5mp cameras and 10mp cameras at the same price. Basically don't you think that games would be selling more if priced on their quality, but have a peak price of 60, and minimum price can be whatever the developers base the quality of their game on. Well just my opinion, but I think I make a valid point.Ubersoldat87
In sweden all games cost 700kr or converted to about 100 dollars. I just dont se why complain about 60, I'd gladly pay that for my games
Well see thats because it has grown onto you that the games are 100, and that 60 would be a great deal for you, but in reality both prices are ripoffs (unless its a quality title) but if games cost 100 here I doubt I'd have anything more than 5 games hahaWhy can't games be like how other items are, priced on quality or something. For example 2 new games come out ODST and Assassins Creed 2, ODST (imo) is worth 20-30$, AC2 however is a deffinate 60$ game. A real life example would be cameras, you don't price 5mp cameras and 10mp cameras at the same price. Basically don't you think that games would be selling more if priced on their quality, but have a peak price of 60, and minimum price can be whatever the developers base the quality of their game on. Well just my opinion, but I think I make a valid point.guitarshr3dd3r
Jasonguy is VERY annoying.
With that out of the way I am going to disagree with you as well because of lack of common sense. You are comparing ODST with Assassin's Creed II. HELLO, Assassin's Creed II is not out, so how do you know that it's worth $60?
In my opinion, which I state repeatedly, about 2% of new console games are worth $60. But you are being counter productive to your own arguement, and you in fact are part of the reason why new games are almost all $60. You see previews, jump to conclusions, imagine games how YOU think they will turn out, then you go put money down with a preorder. When people stop jumping on bandwagons, preordering new software titles (which is completely unnecessary), and paying $60 for bad titles, the price will drop.
You want cheaper games? Quit playing into the game companies and Gamestop hands, and refuse to buy these inferior games that cost 2-3 times what they are actually worth. Wait for price drops, and never preorder a game. When a game is highly preordered it gives the company 0 incentive to refine it and make it worth your money. They can look at those numbers and say "preorder X + expected additional sales Y = Good Enough, on to the next incomplete turd we can push out the door".
Think Assassin's Creed II looks good? Imagine if NO ONE would have preordered it. You would be getting twice the game for around $40 because Ubisoft would be thinking they had a disaster on their hands.
yeah like shop at game stop and if you have this place near you called Play N Trade there realy good or just buy used games from gaming stores there check so you dont need to worry about it not working and its like 20 bucks cheaper1. That pricing makes no sense
2. It's priced as entertainment like movies or music
3. Not all games are 60 dollars
Plus if you know how and where to shop you'll knock off a good 10-15 dollars off all games at launch
I'm sorry if it seemed like I was attacking you personally, because I didn't mean to. I'm also anticipating Assassin's Creed II. I liked the first one, but I thought it was extremely repetetive and somewhat glitchy. I'm waiting to make sure they have addressed all of those issues before I would be willing to drop $60 for it.
Last year at this time I probably bought an average of 2-3 new games per month which I would think was above average. I basically got sick and tired of incomplete, inferior games, that would have been $20 in the last couple of PS2 generation years. I also am totally disgusted by "preorder exclusives", and new game only content. Buying a video game should not be like buying a car. Ah well, now I am down to buying about one new title every 2-3 months, and only if I think the quality is there, which is not very much.
You are right, one person is not enough to make a difference. But me + you = 2. Plus all of the people agreeing with you in this post, plus the dozens I have seen posting the same points is going to eventually have an effect. Fads and trends do not last forever, and video gaming is no exception. If they continually raise prices, drop quality, and make the customer feel screwed (by the preorder exclusives that not everyone can get, and new game only content), the entire industry will crash.
1. That pricing makes no sense
2. It's priced as entertainment like movies or music
3. Not all games are 60 dollars
Plus if you know how and where to shop you'll knock off a good 10-15 dollars off all games at launch
To Original poster:
Your new here so heres a small tip Ignore this guy, he spends his day (and i mean entire day, notice he has 26000 posts) trying to pick a fight by refuting every post possible...
But I agree with you, they are overpriced, especially because alot of them arent good, and how does his pricing not make sense? It's his opinion and he feels that odst is not worth 60 dollars but ASC2 is..... Does he need factual proof that ODST is not worth 20 dollars to open your eyes for you?
Yes he does need factual proof. Imagine I made the game and if people come up to me and say that my game should be worth $30, I am going to ask why. If they can't answer, then it's their problem but you gotta provide reasoning before posting things like these.[QUOTE="Jaysonguy"]
1. That pricing makes no sense
2. It's priced as entertainment like movies or music
3. Not all games are 60 dollars
Plus if you know how and where to shop you'll knock off a good 10-15 dollars off all games at launch
To Original poster:
Your new here so heres a small tip Ignore this guy, he spends his day (and i mean entire day, notice he has 26000 posts) trying to pick a fight by refuting every post possible...
But I agree with you, they are overpriced, especially because alot of them arent good, and how does his pricing not make sense? It's his opinion and he feels that odst is not worth 60 dollars but ASC2 is..... Does he need factual proof that ODST is not worth 20 dollars to open your eyes for you?
Yes he does need factual proof. Imagine I made the game and if people come up to me and say that my game should be worth $30, I am going to ask why. If they can't answer, then it's their problem but you gotta provide reasoning before posting things like these. I don't mind ODST but I'll help him out. ODST could have been cheaper ($40 would have been fair) since it only has a 3-4 hour campain, a Firefight mode ripped straight out of Gears of War 2, and a bunch of maps, most of which are outdated by years, that Microsoft has already made their money back on 100 times.Yup, it's why I don't buy a lot of new games anymore.@TC: Games here in Canada cost 79$(after tax) so enjoy your 60$. ;p
I have actually had a thread like this before in the past. And it went pretty deep. We compared movies to games and went into detail on the budgets to make both and the hours of "entertainment" you get out of both. Well there is no arguing that you do get more hours out of a game than a movie but that's about it.
The budgets are WAY off. The most expensive game ever made (as of a year ago) was Crysis and its budget is on par with some of the most obscure, stupid, piece of crap movies you have ever heard of. I mean game budgets could barley fund a college film. Again we went through all this in the previous thread so go ahead and try to look up some stats that refute this if you want but it's futile.
The final conclusion is that there is a way smaller market for games than there is for movies generally speaking, at least in the past. So the justification is they can afford to charge less for movies because there are more buyers.
But you can also show that there are a TON of movies that cost way more than Crysis and sold WAYfewer units (both tickets and DVDs)than lot of other games that we much cheaper to make.
So bottom line is its pure greed. They set a very high benc mark and refuse to compete on it. One could almost call for a monopoly investigation on this actually. Its surprising in these economic times there are not game makers coming out with main stream games that are $49, $39, etc to compete.
Makes you wonder...
ah no worries lol I understood what message you were conveying, but I'm not saying I'd ever pirate a game, but sometimes it gets tempting with the games that seem cool, but not 60$ coolI'm sorry if it seemed like I was attacking you personally, because I didn't mean to. I'm also anticipating Assassin's Creed II. I liked the first one, but I thought it was extremely repetetive and somewhat glitchy. I'm waiting to make sure they have addressed all of those issues before I would be willing to drop $60 for it.
Last year at this time I probably bought an average of 2-3 new games per month which I would think was above average. I basically got sick and tired of incomplete, inferior games, that would have been $20 in the last couple of PS2 generation years. I also am totally disgusted by "preorder exclusives", and new game only content. Buying a video game should not be like buying a car. Ah well, now I am down to buying about one new title every 2-3 months, and only if I think the quality is there, which is not very much.
You are right, one person is not enough to make a difference. But me + you = 2. Plus all of the people agreeing with you in this post, plus the dozens I have seen posting the same points is going to eventually have an effect. Fads and trends do not last forever, and video gaming is no exception. If they continually raise prices, drop quality, and make the customer feel screwed (by the preorder exclusives that not everyone can get, and new game only content), the entire industry will crash.
Your logic makes no sense. So in your opinion, ODST is worth $20-30 while AC2 is worth $60. Why? Just because you didnt like ODST? Because you love AC? There is no reason behind your logic.FunconsoleOk I shall provide the reasoning: ODST had a repetitive campaign, which was 4-5 hours long. The last level wasn't epic or mildly epic like the other halo games, firefight gets old pretty quick, and how many people here have had 15 fps lag when playing with friends? Yea I know a bunch of my friends have had that. The multiplayer disc is a ripoff considering the majority of odst players already have all the map packs (excluding the new ones) so there is my reasoning, and Im sure if Halo ODST was called something like ODST, and had no connection to halo, that it wouldnt have had the boasting reviews, just my 2 cents however
I just really hope they don't go any higher than 60 $US. I can understand inflation since they've been $50 since NES, but any higher than $60 would be tough to justify buying. And PC games are still $50 or less... I gave up on PC gaming because of the cost of having to upgrade. I guess I'd probably go back if console games rose above $60. PCs are getting cheaper and cheaper, it's just a pain how they become out of date so fast.
America has the cheapest game prices in the world, move to Australia and you'll be shocked.TheBigTicket21I've heard =O It costs like half a console lol, any reason games are so costly around the world? I mean it doesn't really make sense, it's not like there is only a limited amount of copies and you have to get it like a collectors item, it's pretty messed up, sorr yall have to deal with such nonsense pricing =/
My pc isn't very powerful, but can run games like halo and morrowind and whatnot, if I had the money I'd deff upgrade, its amazing what you can do with a pc.I just really hope they don't go any higher than 60 $US. I can understand inflation since they've been $50 since NES, but any higher than $60 would be tough to justify buying. And PC games are still $50 or less... I gave up on PC gaming because of the cost of having to upgrade. I guess I'd probably go back if console games rose above $60. PCs are getting cheaper and cheaper, it's just a pain how they become out of date so fast.
I think game prices have been similiar in the last decade. You just have to shop around. Also I read an article why game prices are the way they are, and the answer was, you. People keeps on buying them at the current price so, there's no need to have them cheaper.
[QUOTE="e575"]My pc isn't very powerful, but can run games like halo and morrowind and whatnot, if I had the money I'd deff upgrade, its amazing what you can do with a pc.I just really hope they don't go any higher than 60 $US. I can understand inflation since they've been $50 since NES, but any higher than $60 would be tough to justify buying. And PC games are still $50 or less... I gave up on PC gaming because of the cost of having to upgrade. I guess I'd probably go back if console games rose above $60. PCs are getting cheaper and cheaper, it's just a pain how they become out of date so fast.
I still regret never becoming good at upgrading a PC, myself. You can build a really powerful one for way cheaper on your own. I just decided to go mainstream and get a 360, this time around, though. You can make an argument for the PC, though. You have one, anyway, since you're posting online - you kind of kill 2 birds with 1 stone by using it for gaming. It might be cheaper, overall.
well games here in Canada cost 70$, hope that makes you feel better vp22But the canadian dollar is worth a lot less than the American dollar. So when you take conversions into account, you're actually paying less than we are.
What bugs me is that just last gen games were 49.99 with a ton of 39.99 launch titles. This generation, you wont find a 49.99 or less game unless it's a couple months old. Its insane how they justified raising the price to 59.99 back in 2005 because the technology require to develop games for the next gen was new. Now there isn't any excuse other than greed. They saw these games sold well for 59.99 and now they aren't going to change.
I would bet next generation we are going to see 69.99 dollar games here in the US. Be prepared everyone. 70 bucks per game.
If you really have a problem with it keep a record of your thoughts in a Notebook.
What? I just mean keep a notebook and start writing about how much you dislike the prices and how much you think it a monopoly.I think that would be extreme in getting their attention!! (v1.6) What? Why would a sentence have a version #?? That was kind of weird...
You might want to practice first, I prep for stuff all the time myself...
They might get so mad they might become a flasher in the jungle or something weird like that…
Kittens… What? I was talking about games.
[QUOTE="vp22"]well games here in Canada cost 70$, hope that makes you feel better UT_WrestlerBut the canadian dollar is worth a lot less than the American dollar. So when you take conversions into account, you're actually paying less than we are. By "worth a lot less" do you mean the Canadian dollar is worth 3 cents less than the U.S dollar? Canadian's pay $68 U.S.D.
They don't. For example: Batman: Arkham Asylum: $40 Borderlands: $40facetious_ca
those games are 60 bucks where are they 40 bucks?
all new games DONT cost $60. some games are low budget and arent worth $60, but GOOD new games cost $60. Wii games cost $50 at most, PSP games cost like $40 at most, and ps2 games can cost $50 also i think. if you think assassins creed2 is only worth $30, then you're going to wait til it's A) on sale, or B) you find it used. Thats all there is to it.
Well again here we go. Of course they cost "millions". What in the entertaiment industry doesnt? The largets offical game budget I have seen was Crysis at 22 million. The movie "Snakes on a Plane " cost 30 million to make!!!Store24Notice that nobody bothered to refute your's or my arguements because they make actual sense and you can't dispel them with "it's capilalism get over it". You are 100% right. The reason we aren't seeing games being put out at $40 or $50 this generation is because it's become widely accepted that games are $60. The budgets on these games are so low that it doesn't matter if it doesn't do GREAT. Even if it just does "okay", at a $60 price point it still makes massive profit. 2k sports games were coming out on the PS2 at $20. And the funny part is that they had far less glitches and freezes in them last generation. Now they let the consumers do all of the play testing for them to cut prices even further and charge $40 more. Yes it is a smaller market than movies, but movie companies know that they won't get $60 for a DVD release. They do know that they will get $60 for a video game release because: A. Often times it's other people buying the game for someone. B. Video games are still generally played by young people who don't yet have or care about savings. C. They have managed to turn gaming into a "keeping up with the Joneses" type of hobby where if you do not have the newest and best thing you are laughed at.
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