Why treyarch makes the lesser sequel.

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#1 Getix-01
Member since 2007 • 454 Posts

im of course talking about call of duty. Infinity ward will make the blockbuster hit everytime, i feel treyarch is just a safety net so a new cod is released annually. But IW seem to make the better game by far each and everytime, where as Treyarch make the worse game and milk it with map packs.

but the real reason i think IW overrules is because they are now putting a story line in their games, whereas treyarch is just win the war, IW shares the same story but adds twists in the strory line, eg kill 1 man to get attention :P. Treyarch is pretty straight forward take this city , that bunker, hold the bunker finish the mission.

please help me explain why IW is better i know they are but i just cant put my finger on it.

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#2 XxChicagoTedXx
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I think that the reason CoD 3 was made by treyarch was because :evil:Activision:evil: couldn't wait another year for Modern Warfare and the same goes for WaW. I don't even see why people bought those map packs. Seen them, they basically put all their effort for the map packs in zombies (which was a stupid idea in the first place).

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#3 catrocr
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im of course talking about call of duty. Infinity ward will make the blockbuster hit everytime, i feel treyarch is just a safety net so a new cod is released annually. But IW seem to make the better game by far each and everytime, where as Treyarch make the worse game and milk it with map packs.

but the real reason i think IW overrules is because they are now putting a story line in their games, whereas treyarch is just win the war, IW shares the same story but adds twists in the strory line, eg kill 1 man to get attention :P. Treyarch is pretty straight forward take this city , that bunker, hold the bunker finish the mission.

please help me explain why IW is better i know they are but i just cant put my finger on it.

Infinity Ward has the better graphics and physics engine. Treyarch has vehicles. IW has better hit detection, Treyarch has poor hit detection. Those are the differences off the top of my head. IW and Treyarch are just 2 different developers who are working off the same Call of Duty license owned by Activision. Activision is trying to make money, pure and simple. World at War was a total rip off of IWs Modern Warfare, but IW couldn't do anything about it because Activision owns the license. I will bet good money that Treyarch spent less money on World at War than IW spent on Modern Warfare, and Activision loved it because World at War still sold like hotcakes. World at War is okay, but has a HUGE host advantage when playing online, just like CoD3. Apparently, they weren't able to fix that. It also made it more accessible to noobs because as long as they got round-robined and got to play host every once in a while, they could get more kills and therefore stayed more interested in it. I know a lot of my friends who were not good enough at Modern Warfare but they loved World at War because it was easier. When I played World at War online, I was cleaning everyone's clock. Modern Warfare provides more of a challenge. But as far as storyline goes--I didn't see much of a difference. Both single player campaigns are about battles where all hell breaks loose and you have to survive. But Modern Warfare is far superior in my expert opinion, ;)
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#4 PlasmaBeam44
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Treyarch is a studio that makes meh games that cash in on hype and licenses. Just like their crap Spider-Man games that they put no effort into and their COD games that are just rehashes that do nothing new and are just there to cash on on the COD name.

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#5 vashkey
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I didn't play CoD3. Alot of people complained about it. But I honestly found World at War more enjoyable than CoD4. Co-op campaign was awesome and the Nazi zombie mode was pretty cool. Ever since they added the whole kill streak bonus, perks and shooting through walls bs in CoD4 I haven't really liked the competetive multiplayer.

As for the stories, I've never cared. The characters aren't exactly memorable and half the time I don't really get why whats going on is happening. Typically the stories take place between two different factions(two different stories) and instead of consistently telling one story through out they just keep switching factions each level. And half the time it feels like some levels have no relevance to the over all plot, such as that level where you're in the plane... well, in both World at War and CoD 4.

CoD3 may have been bad, I don't know. I didn't play it, but I also hear they weren't even given a full year to make their game. Regardless, WaW was a great game. Even if you don't think they did as good a job as Infinity Ward they still deserve props for doing a good job. Not everyone can be the best.

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#6 Doomtime
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I enjoyed Call of Duty 3 online myself although I found the campaign to be the worst of the series.
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#7 moose_knuckler
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Yeah CoD3 was rushed but Treyarch did a fine job for the limited time they had. Underrated MP since the class system for it was one of the first I recall for this gen consoles and it was done really nicely (unless everyone on your or opposing team just plants mines everywhere).
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#8 Getix-01
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i just feel when im playing cod 4 that the it actually does have a story line, and its has more personal vendettas ( Price and zakhaev ) and previous storys come together to make modern warfare.

WAW is about 2 different soldiers, fighting the same war in different places, it doesn't really give you task, where as modern warfare gives tasks like hunting different people, to get to another and disable nukes. Its just hard to ecplain why i think modern warfare is better lol.

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#9 Sepewrath
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WaW was just as good as COD4. People make up thier mind about a non IW COD even before they see the first screenshot, so of course you would think its inferior. WaW had a story as well, people hype MW one because it is not WWII even though it kept the same basic elements of past WWII COD games and it IW name slapped on the box. If the games were reversed and IW was behind WaW people would be saying that was better.
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#10 Black_Knight_00
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This is my personal opinion, but IW can actually design good multiplayer maps, while Treyarch can't. I find WaW maps ghastly, while most CoD4 maps are just epic.
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#11 huytttr
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i just feel when im playing cod 4 that the it actually does have a story line, and its has more personal vendettas ( Price and zakhaev ) and previous storys come together to make modern warfare.

WAW is about 2 different soldiers, fighting the same war in different places, it doesn't really give you task, where as modern warfare gives tasks like hunting different people, to get to another and disable nukes. Its just hard to ecplain why i think modern warfare is better lol.


i totally disagree with the second half portion of that statement. obviously there are 4 types of factions, not two different soldiers, each having a distinct part of Ww2. sure the task arent very technical and dont require much skill, but at least it gives historical background wihich i find enjoyable in any historical shooting game, but i dont think thats what Waw is for. you buy it for the online co-op, nazi zombies side mission, and the endless multiplayer Cod4 single player was basically hunting for a terrorist.. if you want to put it into your terms.

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#12 suade907
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In all Honesty treyarch has come into their own and World at war is a triple AAA title. Every title that has over a 100000 people online should be supported with bi monthly map packs IMO. Treyarch has done a fabulous job of adding content. I'm very happy and believe that world at war holds it's own against COD4. Not that they are in a competition but they are both fantastic games with the multiplayer map nod going to treyarch.

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#13 deactivated-5de2fb6a3a711
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the casual and hardcore markets are into first-person shooters. what's a "good" shooter series? COD. That means big bucks. Companies forget the quality, rehash, ????, PROFIT. I actually happened to like WAW. It's no MW, but it does have co-op, Nazi Zombies, and a Veteran mode that still kicks your ass so hard, your nose bleeds. I don't play MP too much, though. then again, i don't play too many WWII shooters so for me, WAW's a little more than passable to me for a shooter that's neither modern or futuristic.
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#14 Crucifier
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I think that the reason CoD 3 was made by treyarch was because :evil:Activision:evil: couldn't wait another year for Modern Warfare and the same goes for WaW. I don't even see why people bought those map packs. Seen them, they basically put all their effort for the map packs in zombies (which was a stupid idea in the first place).

zombies is the only selling point of WaW. Otherwise it is an insanely generic shooter.
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#15 the_mitch28
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When will game developers relax and let us play as the Germans and/or other Axis members. I think it's possibly one of the only ways to keep the WWII genre fresh. I know it was extremely refreshing and enjoyable playing as the Germans in Company of Heroes.

And yes it would be quite easy for them skip over those particularly dark aspects of WWII, then again Treyarch didn't have much of a problem showing Russians kill unarmed Germans in WaW.

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#16 Shrapnel99
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The only things that Treyarch did well with Waw in my opinion, was the continued support with map packs, and the addition of zombies...

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#17 FalcoLX
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IW will always be a better dev. than treyarch.

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#18 catrocr
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WaW was just as good as COD4. People make up thier mind about a non IW COD even before they see the first screenshot, so of course you would think its inferior. WaW had a story as well, people hype MW one because it is not WWII even though it kept the same basic elements of past WWII COD games and it IW name slapped on the box. If the games were reversed and IW was behind WaW people would be saying that was better. Sepewrath
That is simply not true. World at War capitalized off the wild success of Modern Warfare--not the other way around. Many ignorant (ignorant as in "unknowing") people went out and bought World at War, thinking it was the same game but with a WWII twist. Those people had no idea that it was made by Treyarch. And they probably didn't care, because like I alluded to before, World at War's host advantage allows even noobs to dominate. The demo for WaW was multiplayer only, and most people bought it for the MP only--but the demo was enough to convince the younger and less experienced gamers that the online was not going to be as hard as Modern Warfare. I am not bashing World at War, because I like it myself. But objectively, if you know anything about gameplay and graphics, you can not possibly say that World at War has the same quality as Modern Warfare.
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#19 Sepewrath
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I think the bulk of people knew exactly what WaW was, if they didn't then they probably paid no mind to who was behind MW either. They just saw the COD name and ran to the store. And curse Treyarch for trying to even the playing field in online shooter department, not everyone spends thier days chasing people around on maps in Halo so should they not be allowed to enjoy a COD game online? Personally I don't play shooters online much, I find it's a poor substitute for actual multiplayer i.e. in the same room with people you know, not some random, racist moron crying about how much everyone besides him is a noob. I think make it more user friendly for new people is a massive oversight on the part of IW, the game shouldn't be built only for people who have been playing since COD1. But when I made that statement I wasn't even referring to MP because it is most an inconsequential part of the game to me. I was referring to the campaignm, while of course they were extremely similar, some of the like missions in WaW were superior to the ones found in MW, and vice versa. Then you had bonuses like Nazi Zombie and Co-op to add to the package so yes WaW was just as good as MW.
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#20 SovietAgent
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In conclusion, Treyarch would be nothing without Call of Duty

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#21 OneBadLT123
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In conclusion, Treyarch would be nothing without Call of Duty

The same could be said about IW.
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#22 RoslindaleOne
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In conclusion, Treyarch would be nothing without Call of Duty

The same could be said about IW.

You're right. And actually, Treyarch has done more games like Tony Hawk and Spiderman while IW has only done Call of Duty. Anyways, I like both so it doesn't really matter.
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#23 Black_Knight_00
Member since 2007 • 78 Posts

In conclusion, Treyarch would be nothing without Call of Duty

The same could be said about IW.

You're right. And actually, Treyarch has done more games like Tony Hawk and Spiderman while IW has only done Call of Duty. Anyways, I like both so it doesn't really matter.

Maybe this the way to achieve results that border perfection: pick a developer and have them work 365 days a year on improving the formula of a single game. Yeah, we'll probably regret not having more games from that studio, but the result on the series they are working on will be amazing.
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#24 masterpinky2000
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It's definitely an economic decision, Ubisoft split up the Splinter Cell series between their Montreal and Shanghai offices and had 2 different teams develop alternating games in that franchise as well. It just makes good business sense, since if you can put out stellar games (like Call of Duty 4) and follow them up with serviceable re-treads like World at War, then you're making bucketloads. Not to say that World at War is a terrible game, but I started playing it and realized, "---- ----, I've seen this before, three years ago when I got my Xbox, and it was called Call of Duty 2!"

As for why it's not as good...well, there isn't exactly a huge surplus of talented, inventive game designers just sitting around twiddling their thumbs and making mediocre games rated 7.0 instead of AAA blockbusters rated 9.0+. In the industry, you have very few studios that combine the talent and resources to make AAA games. Imagine if Blizzard out-sourced Starcraft II to another studio in 1999 while they worked on Starcraft III. I shudder to think about it (and how much money they would have made).

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#25 SovietAgent
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The thing is that Infinity Ward actually created a great multiplayer system and the Call of Duty engine while Treyarch pratically leeched off those two things in order to make World at War successful. The only thing that was "new" in world at war, was Nazi Zombies.

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#26 SovietAgent
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lol sorry, you can probably tell that I defidently prefer IW to Treyarch

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#27 Zemus
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thats just the way it goes.

Treyarch is actually a pretty Meh Developer. Until they got their hands on Call of Duty their games were laughable Jokes that no one played.

Its funny how a License can change a company around, I see it all the time in my world. A Mediocre Company can become a giant if they make the right connection, that will never change in any industry

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#28 Microdevine
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IW is just the better developer plain and simple.treyarch is the reason cod is milked.if it wasnt for activision trying to make as much money as possible.then the cod franchise would be rather fresh.as MW2 would only be the 4th game in the franchise.and its been around for nearly 7 years.

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#29 Wolf_Pack69
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treyarch's COD is liek a real war. IW COD is like james bond and its solo missions.
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#30 p00phead
Member since 2007 • 1203 Posts

In conclusion, Treyarch would be nothing without Call of Duty


They could always go make another spiderman game