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If I'm not mistaken you get PAL versions of games, which aren't the priority for some games.
Some games that have the biggest fanbase and selling potential in Europe (Fifa), will release 1st there. Yes, you got Fifa before the Americans, the only problem is that not many americans did so, since soccer is still a growing sport.
?i still dont get it? Just cause we are PAL and at the other end of the world why do we have tobe the suckerswho get it last? And who doesnt like soccer..i love it FORZA ITALIA:Dcatanzariti
common man 1 WHOLE EXTRA WEEK?? thats like...7 DAYS!!! I got halo3 24 hours later than the americans? OMG!! what a crazy world we live in
i remembered back in the day that we used 2 get games like 6 months after the rest of the world got theirs so I'm not bothered waiting a couple of weeksharrison2007
how right you are. a week is not that long. and the most important games (like halo) are only released short after US release. not even a week.
Is it really that big a deal?capthavic
No it isnt. I live in Europe and Im not complaining about the releasedates here.I can live with it
Why do Australians and Europeans get games later then Americans:( We had to wait months n months for Paper Mario, we have to wait a hole extra week for PGR4 and the orange box, 1 extra day for halo3 and COD4. Why? I mean yeah a day or two but why weeks and months? It it cause they need to make enough copys of the game? if so why pick America to get it first? And yeah i know recently we got Fifa 08 before Americans:) but thats all i why?catanzariti
It could be worse, you could own a PS3 :)
There is no such thing as PAL and NTSC on 360. The games are in HD in the same resolution.
You can play a NTSC game just fine on a PAL box if you want if its region free.
The reason games are later in Europe is cause Europe is a less important market than the US.
LOL yeah sure ... less important seesh! There are a few reasons - Some are that in our EU nation we have many languages and all the text both in game and the manual need translating into a large number of langs to ship to the EU. There are plenty of other reasons but mostly it's that tbh I have grown up with it ... we got the SNES I beleive nearly a whole year after it's release ... dry your eyes mate and Radiozo get a grip no one is more or less important in this world :)There is no such thing as PAL and NTSC on 360. The games are in HD in the same resolution.
You can play a NTSC game just fine on a PAL box if you want if its region free.
The reason games are later in Europe is cause Europe is a less important market than the US.
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