Seems a bit overboard... 60gb suits me perfectly and still have a ton of space left over.
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I would probably use it. I download alot of stuff and have to end up deleting them because I only have a 20GB.
I got quite a few shows downloaded to my HD. About 6 or 7 Law & Order episodes, about 10 Family Guy episodes and a few other music videos and shows. Plus I've installed I think 6 games to my HD. I have somewhere around 45 GB left. I'm glad I got the 120GB but like another poster said, it isn't for everyone. Some people use their Xbox for more than just gaming, others do not.LatinG187Pretty much what you said.
30GB already? Wow you like your downloading.I got my elite this last Saturday afternoon and I have already used 30 of the 120gigs ~ I worry I will not have enough room after a few more months ;) ~ It just depends on the gamer and what they do or play on their system ~
I intend on using my Xbox as my media center. Movies, music, and games are going to take up tons of space. My music alone takes up roughly 40 gigs and constantly adding more. HD movies can take up several gigs per movie. While I haven't installed any games to my harddrive, eventually I will. 120gigs isn't for everyone.Arkk_Angel
I'm going to assume that your music is somewhere right now. Either on your computer or on your portable device. Why would you copy all of that to your 360 when you can stream it in identical quality from your PC via your network or just connect your portable device to your 360 and stream it from there?
HD movies take up gigs of space, but they expire in 24 hours. It's not like you're going to have a huge archive of them at any one time.
I got quite a few shows downloaded to my HD. About 6 or 7 Law & Order episodes, about 10 Family Guy episodes and a few other music videos and shows. Plus I've installed I think 6 games to my HD. I have somewhere around 45 GB left. I'm glad I got the 120GB but like another poster said, it isn't for everyone. Some people use their Xbox for more than just gaming, others do not.LatinG187
I guess it's cool to have that on the HDD, but with Netflix (i've got seasons of SVU, Criminal Intent and the regular one... and like 10 other currently running series) and the ability to stream from Hulu (every show that's on Fox and NBC is on Hulu, with HD versions and even my crummy DSL line can stream a DVD quality version)... what's the point of storing them on your HDD other than wanting to max out your HDD?
Installing games is cool, but there's no real benefit. It won't really help prevent RROD since the GPU/CPU is still being used and that's where the issues are. Load times are about the same. You might shave one or two seconds off, but spend like 10 minutes installing. The only plus is that it makes your system quieter, but unless you play your games on mute, you probably couldn't hear the console anyways. Plus you still have to stick the disc in.
If you really need the space, you really need it and it'd be silly of me to tell you that you don't, but I honestly think that alot of people just don't know all of the media features that the 360. Especially when people talk about duplicating their music or video library from their PC/Portable to their 360 as well.
wich is what i would LIKE to start doing. unfortunatly i only have the 20 gig box and havent upgraded yet. i have to seriously manage my harddrive else i wouldve been out a long time ago. 100 bucks is a little expensive for a stuid 120 gigs thoughMaybe if they get tons of DLC and Download all their games to their HDD.
i just bought my 120 gig two days ago lol i love this thing i never have to worry about space i had the original like 10 gig that the older 360s came with and i had 48 mgs left so i needed to upgrade, frankly the 120 gig was only 20 bucks more than the 60 where i bought it so i figured i might as well get my moneys worth
[QUOTE="Sassy-Cc"]30GB already? Wow you like your downloading.I got my elite this last Saturday afternoon and I have already used 30 of the 120gigs ~ I worry I will not have enough room after a few more months ;) ~ It just depends on the gamer and what they do or play on their system ~
apparently I do ;) ~ I was surprised when I noticed how much space I used in that short time frame ~
Until recently, it was only a choice between 20GB and 120GB! I (like many people I'm sure) bought a 20GB Xbox360 premium, only to find 20GB was a bit too small, so I upgraded to 120GB.
I reckon the 60GB probably is the sweet spot for need/price... However if you don't buy a console that comes bundled with one, upgrading to a 60GB is only slightly cheaper than going for the full 120GB, which tempts people away.
120GB isn't much.. I have less then 60GB on mine and I don't have all my DLC downloaded, no music, no demos and no games installed.
Seems a bit overboard... 60gb suits me perfectly and still have a ton of space left over.
there are tons of reason. and one being you can NEVER EVER have just enough room. There will be tons of games to come from this day for the next few years. Plus tons more game add ons and map packs and much much more. Again, you can never have too much or enough space in your drive.
(I have 120gb! woot!)
[QUOTE="Arkk_Angel"]I intend on using my Xbox as my media center. Movies, music, and games are going to take up tons of space. My music alone takes up roughly 40 gigs and constantly adding more. HD movies can take up several gigs per movie. While I haven't installed any games to my harddrive, eventually I will. 120gigs isn't for everyone.Senor_Kami
I'm going to assume that your music is somewhere right now. Either on your computer or on your portable device. Why would you copy all of that to your 360 when you can stream it in identical quality from your PC via your network or just connect your portable device to your 360 and stream it from there?
HD movies take up gigs of space, but they expire in 24 hours. It's not like you're going to have a huge archive of them at any one time.
I got quite a few shows downloaded to my HD. About 6 or 7 Law & Order episodes, about 10 Family Guy episodes and a few other music videos and shows. Plus I've installed I think 6 games to my HD. I have somewhere around 45 GB left. I'm glad I got the 120GB but like another poster said, it isn't for everyone. Some people use their Xbox for more than just gaming, others do not.LatinG187
I guess it's cool to have that on the HDD, but with Netflix (i've got seasons of SVU, Criminal Intent and the regular one... and like 10 other currently running series) and the ability to stream from Hulu (every show that's on Fox and NBC is on Hulu, with HD versions and even my crummy DSL line can stream a DVD quality version)... what's the point of storing them on your HDD other than wanting to max out your HDD?
Installing games is cool, but there's no real benefit. It won't really help prevent RROD since the GPU/CPU is still being used and that's where the issues are. Load times are about the same. You might shave one or two seconds off, but spend like 10 minutes installing. The only plus is that it makes your system quieter, but unless you play your games on mute, you probably couldn't hear the console anyways. Plus you still have to stick the disc in.
If you really need the space, you really need it and it'd be silly of me to tell you that you don't, but I honestly think that alot of people just don't know all of the media features that the 360. Especially when people talk about duplicating their music or video library from their PC/Portable to their 360 as well.
Thanks for reminding me of these features, but my setup at the moment is quite complex and so moving all my media to the Xbox is more convenient for me.
First, I have 3 computers and no WLAN adapter for my Xbox. All my music is currently stored on 2 separate harddrives on my oldest computer which runs as slow as molasses. Syncing my Zune to this computer is an overnight ordeal. Streaming music from that same computer to my Xbox isn't possible at the moment since I don't have a WLAN adapter for the console. The computer does have a WLAN adapter however. Streaming music from my Zune using the Xbox is also a problem because the USB/Data cable doesn't always recognize my Zune. It's a first generation Zune so its gone through a lot of wear and tear. My Zune is VERY quirky.
Secondly, my fastest computer with Windows Vista is slowly corrupting...(woohoo for corrupt files) so I don't place any of my media files on that computer. This computer doesn't have a WLAN adapter either and its nowhere near my Xbox to connect via Ethernet. This computer is hardwired to the modem and the modem can't connect anywhere near my TV. This is also my personal computer and I don't want anyone to mess with it. On top of that, this is the only computer fast enough to handle my DJing software, digital turntables, and my keyboard.
Finally, my most stable computer has no media on it because it was mostly used for Hulu, Youtube, and to play my DVD's. I could stream music using either iTunes or WMP over my wifi network to this computer from my other computer, but iTunes didn't transfer/acknowledge ratings, BPM's, play counts, etc. and WMP didn't arrange my music as it was on the host computer. I can't control WMP remotely with my iPhone so I preferred iTunes. Right now my Xbox is connected to my most stable computer via ethernet and I'm using the Internet Connection Sharing option to get my Xbox on Live. Since my stable computer doesn't have any media on it, I have nothing to stream to my Xbox. Once I have media on my Xbox then I can use my wireless remote to control it instead of having to go to the keyboard/mouse.
Needless to say, this tech geek has searched, researched, and attempted different setups to try and simplify my network. What the Xbox provides (or will eventually provide) is convenience. That's why 120gigs works for me.
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