To be completely honest with you I dont know how they do it. But when I got suspended from xbl the guy told me to go into the forums on and go into the suspension section, soI did and I was reading all these other questions that other xbl users were asking about why they got suspended, and a few of 'em I was reading where people got suspended because of tampering with there system, and read one of 'em where the xbl employee told the guy that if he had a problem with his system that required repair then he should have sent it into Microsoft for repair but since he took matters into his own hands it resulted in a suspension, then he wrote down a section of the Terms and Conditions of which he violated. I'm just telling this guy what I read from those forum posts. I hope he doesn't get suspended, I HOPE I'M WRONG, but I was just trying to help him out, not get insulted for stating my opinion. Now I really hope I helped amuse you because that's really what I'm here for.
1. to meddle, esp. for the purpose of altering, damaging, or misusing
You're not helping either, because you're creating needless doubt. MS has absolutely NO WAY of knowing that he changed his laser unless they physically open the Xbox themselves; XBL doesn't send internal Xbox information. He hasn't tampered with his system, therefor he cannot receive a ban.
Dude why don't you shut up and get off of this forum if all your going to do is bash me for stating what I thought may be right. If you want to debate me on whether or not I'm right or wrong then message. Stop using a forum post of someone elses whose asking for help to put down other people on there opinions. Now enough is enough.
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