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doubt it. that game alone is probably selling there console (with a few others) i doubt they would port that to a competitor lil_d_mack_314
Konami has a console?
[QUOTE="lil_d_mack_314"]doubt it. that game alone is probably selling there console (with a few others) i doubt they would port that to a competitor Alphamale001
Konami has a console?
hes talking about ps 3 obiouslly!!
[QUOTE="ghostly118"][QUOTE="craigalan23"]It wont happen.dukebd699
cuz of that one asian guy huhh????
hes has a contract right???
That "one asian guy" isn't under contract with Sony he just doesn't want to.
ooo i taught it was like bungie n halo lol
We have a better chance of seeing Max Payne 3, Shenmue 3, and Duke Nukem Forever be released than seeing MGS4 on XBox 360 unfortunately.gr8scottI think there is a rather high chance that 360 will eventually see the second edition (Sub-) version. That is Kojima's loophole after all. He said MGS4 wasn't coming to 360, not Metal Gear Solid 4 subblahblah
probably not. MGS4 is what's supporting the PS3, so why sell it to the competition???orb_03_2006Because Konami isn't owned by sony and MGS4 isn't under a contract of any kind, and even if it was, there is a loop hole.
i doubt Kojima would sell out to sony's competition. plus, it would see a lot of time spent compressing the memory and taking some things out to make it possible on 1-2 disks.ChiSoxBombersIt could be 5 disks, it really wouldn't matter, it is split up into 5 seperate sections so it wouldn't be that bad switching disks, and Kojima doesn't have much say in it in the end. Its not exactly selling out when MGS has been on pc, gamecube, xbox, ps2, gameboy, psp, etc. Been there, done that.
I'm not saying it will happen, but you guys act as though it is completely unfathomable. I don't care any more, I beat it so many times, and got everything, i'd like others to see what its all about too.
its not happening i bought a ps3 for it, and was dissapointed, but hey i still got a blu-ray player. if you really want to play it just youtube all the cutscenes/movies, and you have seen 90% of the game.Fizzman
I thought I was the only one who felt this way, except when I bought my PS3 I also thought FF was staying a sony exclusive
we should all just ignore ghostly's posts/threads from now on, please do not post in his threads.grafkhun
this is almost as true as when Cliffy said Gears wont be coming to the PC so i take it with a grain of salt............hak145
thats what im saying right wen xbox says hay asian guy well give so much money if u put mgs on ur system n den bamm latest news mgs4 on 360 whhooo
this game was doppe it just needs too be on the better console now (my opinion dnt talk crap just wat i think)ghostly118The game is good, despite most of it being cinematics. Hopefully the next one will be more gameplay. And we all know the likely hood of it going to the 360 is slim to none. So enough with these threads.
god..I'm getting tired of these treads...NO IT WILL NOT BE ON THE XBOX 360!!!!
u dont see playstation fans complaining about gears of war 2 not coming to the ps3...just get over it..
kojima said like a billion times it's not coming to the xbox 360..even in the middle of the game otacon makes a joke and tells snake to change to disc 2..then snake says "what disc 2?" and then otacon says "ohh yeah right...we are on playstation 3 console...blu ray discs!!" I doubt it if a game like that will be ported
After playing through it on my PS3 I know fine well the game the game will not go onto the 360, it would not be able to be a direct port many parts of the game would need to be changed as they me reference to the PS3, PS1, Blu-Ray and many other things sony.
So I would go with a No on this one.
[QUOTE="hak145"]this is almost as true as when Cliffy said Gears wont be coming to the PC so i take it with a grain of salt............ghostly118
thats what im saying right wen xbox says hay asian guy well give so much money if u put mgs on ur system n den bamm latest news mgs4 on 360 whhooo
Hideo doesnt need money man. He's rich. It's clearly his choice. "If he feels like it."
this game was doppe it just needs too be on the better console now (my opinion dnt talk crap just wat i think)ghostly118
It needs to be on the better console? okay let me tell you something, it is on the better console.
Metal Gear Solid series will stay with Sony weather you like it or not, if you want the game so bad get yourself a PS3 and stop being a fanboy.
I got all 3 systems, PS3, 360 and Wii, theres nothing wrong with having all 3.
Lol, the TC is banned :)MGSFan92
really? kool lol pretty obvious tho :) ha ha ha!
but really i could care less.. looks pretty borin.. i dunno...
[QUOTE="gr8scott"]We have a better chance of seeing Max Payne 3, Shenmue 3, and Duke Nukem Forever be released than seeing MGS4 on XBox 360 unfortunately.falconclanI think there is a rather high chance that 360 will eventually see the second edition (Sub-) version. That is Kojima's loophole after all. He said MGS4 wasn't coming to 360, not Metal Gear Solid 4 subblahblah
It won't Substance didn't even break even on the XBOX he's not gonna waste money porting it over when he can put it in other projects.
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