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Halo 3
No, j/k lol. I gotta say Hour of Victory or Vampire Rain. Vampire Rain has to be the biggest mistake purchase Ive made in quite a while.
it sucks that you guys actually have played bad games hopefully you guys get at least 2 games per month because if not that must really suckFingerella69erWell some of us dont have jobs quite yet. Hell, I have a friend who only gets 2 games a year, and thats for his birthday and christmas!
from the game that i actually bought i'd say ace combat 6. if games get bad ratings i don't even bother.
games i bought in 2007 ...
graw 2
crackdown (game was ok but it had halo beta so it made up for it)
forza 2
halo 3
ace combat 6
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