What was the worst online game you've ever played?
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I remember The Darkness had unplayable online basically, they might of updated it by now.
It's still crap, I played it a few days ago. It hasn't changed much.
I remember The Darkness had unplayable online basically, they might of updated it by now.
Yeah it's pretty bad still. Great game but worthless multiplayer. Though dont some games have the online shut down? I read that a while ago and those would be the worst due to the fact it's non-existant lol.
Agreed. This game is an embarrassment to the Call of Duty name. It should have been called Treyarch Drivel WWII Fighter One.That dishonor goes to Call of Duty 3. Just absolutely terrible. I got rid of it less than a week after buying it.
i used to play army of two online all the time for the achievements and ive probably only had like 1 laggy game out of tons maybe 100+
but the worst multiplayer was fear files for me. i tried to find someone like everyday once i got to play 1 person and it was fun while it lasted, but the game is just deader then dead
Gears of War hands down.
Not only was it boring and lagy but it also had one of the worst communities filled with swearing, screaming 12 year olds.
Gears 2 is not fun in anyway. Its not about cover its who can jump around the most and shotgun while doing flips.
Gears 2 is not fun in anyway. Its not about cover its who can jump around the most and shotgun while doing flips.
no, this is just what people say that are terrible at the game. trust me ive been there. once you actually learn the stradegy of the game its soo fun.
Gears 2 is not fun in anyway. Its not about cover its who can jump around the most and shotgun while doing flips.
no, this is just what people say that are terrible at the game. trust me ive been there. once you actually learn the stradegy of the game its soo fun.
Gears of War 2 has the worst multiplayer of any game I've ever played, Xbox or otherwise.
Epic have completly got rid of sooo many combat options that existed in the first.
Want to flank? You can't because they tagged a grenade back there. Want to rush? You can't because the stopping power will nearly paralize you. Want to aim? You can't because the game has a terrible framerate.
Now they have also added a delay before you can shoot or melee after coming out or a roadie run, the game feels soooo slow and clunky it's unbelievebly horrible.
I don't know if it's the worst but Condemned 2's multiplayer is pretty horrible.
Agreed. Just terrible.
That's how Gears of War has always been. It's not like Halo, you gotta be tactical and not just rush in and start shootin'. The first GoW multiplayer is fun but it dosesn't represent the true gameplay of the game. The second one did I prefer it more than the first. Even though both games are very fun online. I do agree that roadie run thing is annoying but I guess they did it to prevent the chainsaw cheapness or w/e that players were complaining.
Graw 2. Game blew, your guy would keep on running after you took your thumb of the analog stick for like an extra second. It was such a bad game.
I'm only including that either were made for multiplayer or at least had a decent predecessor.
FEAR 2 - I loved the pacing of the first one's multiplayer,butsettingeven the PC version to matchmaking rather than having the ability to drop-in or outat any timekilled it. I got it a couple of weeks after I came out andI've never seen more than two servers going, and one is usually the mech mode, whichhad no balance whatsoever.
BF2 - I actually liked it at first, despite the long load times between maps. ButEA kept patchingglitchesand creating newer, bigger ones.The finalthing thatkilled it for me was allowing the new weapons from the expansion pack into the regular game. They were pretty muchall better,so if you wanted to be on a level playing field Iwould havehad to spend another $30for that.
GRAW was pretty laggy at times, but with the right connection I had hours of funGraw 2. Game blew, your guy would keep on running after you took your thumb of the analog stick for like an extra second. It was such a bad game.
Timeshift and Kane & Lynch both were pretty bad multiplayer
[QUOTE="maxgamer8"]The Primary reason why I hated that game. chainsaw anyone?Gears 2. Two-piecing anyone?
You mean the one that actually made players worked together and didn't give everyone stupid advantages? The one was tactical instead of run and gun? Two Worlds has pointless multiplayerThat dishonor goes to Call of Duty 3. Just absolutely terrible. I got rid of it less than a week after buying it.
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