In the past I beat a game called Tales of Vesperia on a different Xbox. However, I no longer have that Xbox or hard drive. So, therefore, I no longer have the game data for it. Now, if I were to give my friend a memory card (she has completed the game on her own xbox), and let get her own game data...would I be able to use this and play on my own gamertag? If not, is there another solution? I want to start an EX new game and do a perfect play-through, and it requires you to already have beaten the game once to do so. It would be very tedious to beat the game once (again), and then beat it once more in this fashion.
Okay, most people will say no, because save data is per profile. Example: Profile A plays Halo. Profile A deletes old profile and Makes Profile B. Profile B tries to play but cant find save game data, because it belonged to profile A. There is a solution however. You need a USB drive and a program called Modio. Yes its used for modding games, but you can use it for more than that. Put the save from the profile onto a USB and put it in your computer. Open the USB WITH MODIO to find your save file. Once thats done, take the save file and open it in a resigner. Find your profile ID and Console ID and cop and paste it over the old one. Put it back in the USB and tr it out. To get your profile ID and console ID, place any other save from your profile onto the USB and open it in the resigner, copy down both ID's and save them somewhere.
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