okay so I just beat Crackdown today, and I started Dead Rising. Man oh man, is this one of those times where I am ready to just unload on this game. 90% of the things in this game are just plain wrong. Let's start with the basics:
Okay fine, you kill zombies. That's great. Actually, the sentence "You run around a mall and kill zombies with whatever you can pick up" sold me on this game. Then of course, I experienced it. Do you wanna know how much fun it is trying to get through a wall of zombies with your fists? Yeah it probably doesnt sound fun and its even less fun to actually do, since you have about as much health as I would expect if I were playing a 90 year old man beating off the zombies with his cane. Now this game is free roam. That's good, I love games where I can explore and move around and enjoy my time...what was that. YEAH you are on a time limit. WTF is that? That's about as good as giving me a gun without bullets and telling me to kill people with it. You give me a gigantic area to explore, and then tell me I have a time limit. Awesome.
Let's move onto something that honestly effects the game in an even more dramatic way. The save system. IT BLOWS. The bad thing about the save system, is that they are limited, and they are pretty spread out. That would be fine in a linear game, but this is a free roam...no wait, this is a TIMED free roam game. Meaning that I dont feel I should waste time running to a save point. I didnt even have to TRY an escort mission to know it will suck. Getting MYSELF through waves of zombies is bad enough, but bringing someone else through them? That's just plain lame. Now we move on to how the game tries to help you. The arrow in this game (the thing that leads you to checkpoints) just likes to trick you. I guess the excuse anyone could use is that it goes in a straight line to your target. So trusting it is about as good as trusting a blind tour guide. It knows where its going, but it has no idea whats in the way on the path to the objective. Let's start with the very first mission, "backup for brad." If you havent guessed it, you have to go save brad. Fine. I can do that. Or so I thought.
The problem with this quest is that the arrow led me into a park. Thats cool. The park is a wide open space, with lots of room to manuever. I was actually able to avoid zombies there. Awesome. So I made my way towards the entrance that I had to get through to reach brad. There was literally a wall of zombies that was several yards thick. Not just around that entrace either. It was around all the entrances. So then I was stuck, and the arrow proved to be amazingly useless while I tried to figure out where I was going to go...all the while the zombies chased me around the park like a maniacal game of follow the leader. But wait, it gets better.
I followed some sort of pathway to a parking lot, where I got lucky and found a parked car. I got in it, and proceeded to run over about 300 hundred zombies in a few minutes. Then, miraculously, the car STOPPED RUNNING. I had no idea why, and I had no idea what I was going to do. All I knew was that I was in a very dark, very crowded (with zombies) maintenance tunnel, with no idea where I should be going. How did I know where I was? Because the oh so helpful guide character Otis decided to use the radio he gave me. The problem was that I was in the middle of a mob of zombies frantically beating them with a baseball bat when he decided to call. You cant really fight when you are on your cell phone, but if you miss what Otis tells you, then you are really screwed. I managed to escape (barely) with one health bar into an elevator. Otis radioed me again, and I found that the oh so important message was to tell me that HE LOST A KEY! Great, so now I get to wade out into the hordes of zombies and crawl around on the ground looking for the random key this guy lost. I ran for a bit, and then a zombie blind sided me. Dead. Would you like to know what happened then? I lost everything. Everything from the last time I saved, and that was about 30-40 minutes ago. I lost a good level and a half of experience (oh sorry, its PP...right), all the crap I had done, the cutscenes, the zombies. All of it was gone. ****ING GREAT!
Now I love Capcom, but honestly, they ****ed this game up in just all the wrong ways. They made it nearly impossible to get through the mall without a rocket launcher on your shoulder to clear out all the zombies with. Your character has the physical capabilities of a senior citizen with a walker, and the save system/guide arrow actively fight you. Survival mode is probably tons of fun, but the 72 hour story mode, is complete bull**** and I am tempted to sit for the entire time in the security room, go the helipad, and then complete 72 hour mode, having done nothing, just so I can mutilate zombies to my hearts content.
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