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Even though I liked the theory of your arm falling off. (lol) It's called carpotunnel syndrome. It happens when you move you wrist around too much. Imagine a straw inside your wrist. The straw is your carpotunnel and a toothpick is a muscle inside of it, Well when you move your wrist around, That muscle (the toothpick) will start to swell and when it swells too much, It aggravates your carpotunnel and makes your wrist hurt. All you need to do to stop it is take a ten minute break. Or if your too hard headed to stop playing, Slap some bengay on it. But this all wouldn't happen if you didn't play for so long each time. Not good for your 360 either. And sorry if I was too boring but I'm a health-nerd and plan on maybe being a doctor one day.Aaron19Z7If you know information such as this off the top of your head, I assure you there is no need to be sorry. Was one of the once per month posts worth reading. Guitar Hero 2 releases here (UK) on Good Friday. Pretty odd considering there won't be any post until Tuesday.
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